[OpenLayers-Users] [mapserver-users] Hi All

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Jun 6 22:02:08 PDT 2012

Hi Özgür,

Sorry but this question is OpenLayers so you need to post it on that 
list. I have cc'd it there.


On 6/6/2012 11:13 PM, Özgür Arslan wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to put an icon on my map by using text marker. But it
> doesn't work. There is one marker that is working very well from the
> instructor. When I try to create my own it is not working or it is not
> showing my icon it is showing red icon which is from open layers. Could
> you please Help me about this issue? Also Thank you Stephen
> Woodbridgefor your explanation of the mapcache. It was helpful.
> Here is my text file.
> Notworking;
> point title description icon iconSize iconOffset
> 5426484.11598,-8856513.32726 City of Brampton City of Brampton is the
> center of the Brampton.<BR> <img src="CB/brampton.jpg" alt="brampton"
> width=180/> CB/blue_MarkerC.png 30,30 0,0
> html;
> markers2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text( "City of Brampton",
> { location:"CB/CB.txt",
> projection:'EPSG:900913'}
> );
> Working;
> point title description icon iconSize iconOffset
> 5425825.52619,-8846513.32726 Downsview Airport CYDZ or Downsview Airport
> has been exclusively owned and used as a testing facility by Bombardier
> Aerospace since 1994.<BR> <img src="airports/CYDZ.jpg" alt="CYDZ"
> width=175/> airports/APIcon.png 34,34 0,0
> 5408103.01906,-8838337.37672 Billy-Bishop (Island) Airport CYTZ or Billy
> Bishop Airport is named after Air Marshal Billy Bishop, a Canadian First
> World War flying ace.<BR> <img src="airports/CYTZ.jpg" alt="CYTZ"
> width=175/> airports/APIcon.png 24,24 0,0
> 5444248.18059,-8835470.98918 Buttonville Airport CYKZ or Toronto
> Buttonville airport is a medium-sized airport in Buttonville, Ontario,
> Canada, within Markham, bordering Richmond Hill and 29 km (18 mi) north
> of downtown Toronto.<BR> <img src="airports/CYKZ.jpg" alt="CYKZ"
> width=175/> airports/APIcon.png 24,24 0,0
> 5415603.13404,-8864655.33459 Pearson International Airport CYKZ or
> Pearson international airport is an international airport serving
> Toronto, Ontario, Canada; its metropolitan area; and the Golden
> Horseshoe. <BR> <img src="airports/CYYZ.jpg" alt="CYYZ" width=175/>
> airports/APIcon.png 24,24 0,0
> 5425603.13404,-8854655.33459 Pearson International Airport CYKZ or
> Pearson international airport is an international airport serving
> Toronto, Ontario, Canada; its metropolitan area; and the Golden
> Horseshoe. <BR> <img src="airports/CYYZ.jpg" alt="CYYZ" width=175/>
> airports/APIcon.png 24,24 0,0
> html;
> markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text( "Airports",
> { location:"Airports/Airports.txt",
> projection:'EPSG:900913'}
> );
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