[OpenLayers-Users] problem with understanding minResoultion and transitionEffect

saka royban sakaroyban at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 5 05:21:28 PDT 2013

Hi all.
1. It seems i can't understand minResolution. I have a map div in 512*256
pixel and whole world extent , i.e. 360*180 degrees. As i've computed the
resolution would be 360/512, or 1.40625 degrees per pixel in full extent
(first zoom). my layer definition is as follows:
layer4 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "world_poly 2",
	{map: '/ms4w/apps/ms101/htdocs/ms101.map',layers: 'world_poly',transparent:
	{visibility: false, opacity:0.5, displayInLayerSwitcher: true,
minResolution: .7, maxResolution: 1.40625}
I've  setup minResolution = .7 < 1.40625 / 2 , but layer is inactive when i
zoom in just once. (one zoom deeper than full zoom, i.e. display screen
would be 180*90 and then resolution in that zoom 180/512 = 7.203). Is it
wrong to expect layer to be active and visible in 2nd zoom and why?
2. I'm using following code:

layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "shaded relief",
  {map: '/ms4w/apps/ms101/htdocs/ms101.map',layers: 'shadedrelief'},
  {transitionEffect: 'resize'}  

If i remove transitionEffect, i see a blank page in next zoom up until
OpenLayers finishes loading tiles. If i set trasitionEffect to resize, What
i see is that the layer zooms in rapidly without any moment between
consecutive zooms. of course, now i don't see blank page in next zoom (and
it's so good), but as it appears in
http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/transition.html   ,there must be some
kind of animation between consecutive zooms. for my code, the next zoom
appears without any delay or animation.
Should i set anything more or that's usual? 

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/problem-with-understanding-minResoultion-and-transitionEffect-tp5058122.html
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