[osgeo4w-dev] Adding some new packages to osgeo4w

Sampson, David David.Sampson at NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca
Fri Jul 24 14:47:48 EDT 2009

Hey Folks,

Looking for a hand in adding two projects to osgeo4w.

1. the Public Address geocoder [https://sourceforge.net/projects/pagc/]
To be added into an apache directory. This is a C library for geocoding
addresses from road netowkr files. Part of the package includes

2 to support some plugins for qgis I would like to insert OWSLIB [].
This python library makes OGC service based applications easier to make.

I am familiar with Linux, windows and Cygwin. I have experience
compiling source code, but not creating source code to compile. I script
mostly in python so have some skill sto go on.

Although these packages are not necessarily OSGEO projects they
certainly would be considered supporting projects.

I have a sourceforge project site for the first one that I can host
packages on perhaps.

As for the second, I might be able ot host packages in the plugins
project on sourceforge or see if the folks at pygis would be interested
in hosting.

How might I want to proced?

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