[Live-demo] Re: [OSGeo] #537: Documentation not up-to-date

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Fri Mar 12 03:18:32 PST 2010

send again, to the list...

Hamish schrieb:
> Hamish:
>>> ps- if someone could explain to me how to fix the hyperlinks in
>>>  grass_description.odt I'd appreciate it.
> Judit wrote:
>> I applied the necessary changes for links in grass documentation
>> in r3364.
> thanks, as I'm still stuck.
>> How to change the link target:
>> 1. right click on the link to adjust
> yup, first thing I tried. although I have to right click on the http://
> part or else it tries to spell check the url component.
>> 2. from mouse menu choose the appropriate hyperlink entry
>> (probably at the bottom of the list)
>> It should be something like "edit hyperlink" (can't tell
>> for sure as I am using a German OpenOffice version)
> for me (OOfc 2.4 from debian/stable) the 2nd to bottom is "Open
> Hyperlink" but that open it in a web browser. I don't see any other
> which imply the ability to edit it.

bummer. in OpenOffice 3.1.1 which I am using, there are 4 different
hyperlink entries in the mouse menu (open, edit, copy address, delete).

There is a different approach as well, but difficult to describe as I
use the German version. I'll try:

* highlight/mark the URL-text,
* from the menubar open "Format", select "Zeichen" (="Character").
* In the opening window select the tab "Hyperlink" and change the URL to
what you need. Save the changes, and that's it.

Hope this one works out for you too.


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