[Oskari-user] Oskari 1.46.1

Mäkinen Sami (MML) sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Fri Apr 20 07:43:28 PDT 2018


As promised we squeezed out the hotfix this week and it's now available in GitHub, oskari.org download and the Maven repository. Here's the list of changes: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/blob/master/ReleaseNotes.md and https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/blob/master/ReleaseNotes.md


For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/milestone/10?closed=1

  *   Layer loading API has been changed from having the layers inside group structure (and possibly multiple times/layer) to a flat array beside the group structure. The groups will still have layers array in the internal runtime data structure, but instead of the JSON presentation the array items are instances of Oskari.mapframework.domain.AbstractLayer like any other layer references returned by the service.
  *   Iframe snippet in publisher now includes 'allow="geolocation"' because: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/Home/chromium-security/deprecating-permissions-in-cross-origin-iframes
  *   Line width style setting for userlayer/dataset import works properly now on import
  *   Statistical map now resets when the regionset layer is removed from selected layers
  *   Statistical map now resets properly when the reset button is hit
  *   UI fixes for statistical map legend and classification form
  *   Reverse colors control in statistical map classification form now works instead of doing nothing
  *   Sandbox.removeMapLayer() was deprecated as unused and Sandbox.getMap().removeLayer() is the drop-in replacement for it.
  *   Some variable leaking (to global scope) issues fixed.
  *   Timeseries UI is no longer shown if the layer with timeseries isn't shown to the user (due to being hidden or incompatible CRS)
  *   Group and organization is now properly removed from the admin UI when deleted from the database.
  *   Oskari.urls.getRoute() default value changed from 'N/A' to '/action?' as it's the default for Oskari-server
  *   Oskari.urls.getLocation() default value changed from 'N/A' to undefined so developers don't need to know the default value for checking if it's configured
  *   Personaldata, analyse and publisher2 bundles now support Oskari.urls.getLocation('login') and Oskari.urls.getLocation('register') for url configuration. Bundle-specific config is still available and used as priority.


For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/milestone/9?closed=1

  *   Fixed secure flag so unsecure services (e.g. WMS) are proxied like before on secured Oskari instances
  *   GetHierarchicalMapLayerGroups action route response changed to return layers as a flat array beside the groups structure
  *   Layers can now belong to multiple groups (previously caused layer listing to fail)
  *   Userlayer/dataset import extent information is now properly transformed so coverage area can be sent for the frontend
  *   Appsetups without mapfull.conf.mapOptions (relying on defaults) couldn't be used to publish maps. MapOptions config is now optional for publishing.
  *   Fixed multiple issues for adding, editing and deleting dataprovider/groups via the admin user interface (both hierarchichal admin and the classical one work now).
  *   Layer ids are now always used in layer JSON sent to the frontend (previously it could be an "external id" when configured)
  *   oskari_maplayer no longer has the external_id column. It has been moved to another table, made unique and only the mapLayers URL-parameter handling cares about it anymore. Migration for database have been provided to replace external ids in mapfull.state.selectedLayers and configs for BackgroundLayerSelectionPlugin and LayerSelectionPlugin.
  *   PermissionService changed to return permissions as a Set instead of a List

Best regards and have a nice weekend,
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