[Oskari-user] Uploaded shape files not visible

Mäkinen Sami (MML) sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Mon Aug 6 00:36:45 PDT 2018


Just got back from the vacation, but Sanna is correct. The imports can be used by non-admin users - the data is only visible to the user that imported the data until the user uses the dataset in a published map. Where as WMS-service registered to Oskari is something that can be shared between users (shows in the maplayer listing). There are some restrictions for the imports so not everything works (for example images in KMLs). Filenames with non-ASCII characters might not work depending on the Oskari version you are using. Does uploading the file work in for example https://kartta.paikkatietoikkuna.fi? If not we could take a look at it to see why. Otherwise you might have some misconfiguration on your setup or you might need to update the Oskari version as there has been some fixes to the functionality recently.



Lähettäjä: Oskari-user <oskari-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> käyttäjän puolestaSanna Jokela <sanna at gispo.fi>
Lähetetty: 6. elokuuta 2018 8:07
Vastaanottaja: Keijo Kangas
Kopio: Oskari-user at lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: Re: [Oskari-user] Uploaded shape files not visible


I think that you can not publish other than interfaces (like wms, wfs, wcs...) through admin, am I right? Separate tool for adding own data, Myplaceimport, accepts shp-files, if the tool is enabled. Somebody else can maybe explain why this is so :) The main idea of the admin side is to add geospatial interface layers, if you want to create own layers, you have to create the interface first with e.g. GeoServer or Mapserver or similar.

And sorry for the delayed answer.


On 11 July 2018 at 15:23, Keijo Kangas <keijo.kangas at kuntotekniikka.fi<mailto:keijo.kangas at kuntotekniikka.fi>> wrote:

I am trying to upload shape files (zip) to Oskari in admin interface. Oskari converts shape data to PostgreSQL oskaridb but can not show the shape data in map interface. Also it says that there is no feature data in the uploaded shape file. However I can publish geospatial data from external WMS services in Oskari.

Keijo Kangas
+358 40 480 9035


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Sanna Jokela
Gispo Oy
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