[OWSLib-devel] PyWPS question

Cinquini, Luca (3980) Luca.Cinquini at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Oct 31 09:55:12 PDT 2013

Hi Jachym,
	we are using PwWPS (version 3.2.1) at JPL to enable regridding of NASA observational data, and I have a question concerning how to access some of the fields exposed to the client...

Specifically, for an asynchronous request, the server sends to the client a document containing the "statusLocation", and eventually the href "Reference" to the output URL (once it is renamed by the engine). These fields are known to the PyWPS engine, but not to the WPSProcess itself that is running. Although in general this makes total sense, in some circumstances the WPSProcess might need to use them, for example to send email to the user when it completes.

Is there any back-door for the WPSProcess to retrieve these fields ?

thanks a lot,

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