[pdal] Inconsistency between docs and functionality in las.writer

Kristian Evers kreve at gst.dk
Mon Dec 21 06:00:48 PST 2015

Thanks, Andrew.

In fact I caught it twice today: Both in the translate and random applications. I expected the output to have minor_version=3, but soon realized that wasn’t the case. No problem for translate, since it’s possible to set custom options for the writer. Unfortunately that’s not the case for the random command, as it is hardwired to the default settings of writers.las. If there’s any interest in having writer-options in the random app I’ll give it a go during the holidays.


Fra: Andrew Bell [mailto:andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com]
Sendt: mandag 21. december 2015 14:33
Til: Kristian Evers
Cc: pdal at lists.osgeo.org
Emne: Re: [pdal] Inconsistency between docs and functionality in las.writer

On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 3:51 AM, Kristian Evers <kreve at gst.dk<mailto:kreve at gst.dk>> wrote:
I have noticed a slight inconsistency between the docs and the functionality of las.writer and now wondering which one is wrong.

On http://www.pdal.io/stages/writers.las.html it says that the default value of the option minor_version is 3, but in reality when you do a ‘pdal translate’ without specifying any options you get a las/laz file with format version 1.2. The source code confirms this in line 69 of io\las\LasWriter.cpp:


It’s a minor detail, just wondering if the docs or the code needs to be changed. Was it the intention to write las-files with minor_version=3? I’ll do a pull request with a fix once I know if the docs or the code is correct. Personally I think that the default minor_version should be 3, as it says in the docs.

I've fixed the documentation to reflect the code (should show up online shortly).  The default has in reality been version 2 for a long time, so I'm leaving it alone for now, but if there's enough demand, it can certainly be changed.

Thanks for catching this!

Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com<mailto:andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com>
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