[pdal] Error with PMF pipeline

Matthew Hanson mhanson at appliedgeosolutions.com
Tue Mar 24 06:38:47 PDT 2015


I'm running outlier removal followed by a PMF on a series of data using
this PCL block (this is basically an example from the docs)

  "pipeline": {
    "name": "Progressive Morphological Filter with Outlier Removal",
    "version": 1.0,
    "filters": [{
        "name": "StatisticalOutlierRemoval",
        "setMeanK": 20,
        "setStddevMulThresh": 3.0
      }, {
        "name": "ProgressiveMorphologicalFilter",
        "setSlope": 1.0,
        "setCellSize": 3.0

However, upon running it I get the output below.
I've tried on multiple files and it's not always 0 for the return number
but it's some invalid number (eg 224)

Lasinfo doesn't report any points that have 0 for # of returns  or return
#, so not sure what the error message below means.


NAME:   Progressive Morphological Filter with Outlier Removal (1.0)
process tile 0 through the pipeline

   Step 1) StatisticalOutlierRemoval

      20 neighbors and 3.000000 multiplier
      183580 points filtered to 183081 following outlier removal

   Step 2) ProgressiveMorphologicalFilter

      max window size: 33
      slope: 1.000000
      max distance: 2.500000
      initial distance: 0.150000
      cell size: 3.000000
      base: 2.000000
      exponential: true
      negative: false
      Iteration 0 (height threshold = 0.150000, window size =
9.000000)...ground now has 11054 points
      Iteration 1 (height threshold = 2.500000, window size =
15.000000)...ground now has 11054 points
      Iteration 2 (height threshold = 2.500000, window size =
27.000000)...ground now has 11054 points
      Iteration 3 (height threshold = 2.500000, window size =
51.000000)...ground now has 11054 points
      183081 points filtered to 11054 following progressive morphological
tile 0 filtered to 11054 points, adding to output, which now has 11054

208500-9753000_pmf.las: Found invalid value of '0' for point's return
208500-9753000_pmf.las: Found invalid value of '0' for point's number of
(writers.las Debug: 3): Wrote 11054 points to the LAS file


Matthew Hanson
Applied GeoSolutions
(603) 659-3363 x91
mhanson at appliedgeosolutions.com
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