[pdal] Fill holes in dtm

Andrew Bell andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 08:25:16 PST 2018

On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 11:15 AM Shane Carey <careyshan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been using pdal to filter some las files to create a dtm and ground
> classified points. Its really excellent at doing this.
> After doing this and creating a dtm, there are holes left in the DTM. I
> cant find a way of filling the holes and was wondering are there tools in
> PDAL to do this? See image below of houses etc removed from the dtm and now
> need to be filled in.

I'm sorry, but there's nothing in the toolset that performs this function.
We'd be happy to look at integrating existing code or help someone
implement an algorithm .

Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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