[pdal] e57 error handling

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Mon Apr 4 20:22:45 PDT 2022

> On Apr 4, 2022, at 10:03 PM, Daniel Brookes <dbrookes at micromine.com> wrote:
> Hi All.
> I have a large e57 file that has multiple scans, one of which unfortunately has some “corrupt” data. This results in the checksum that e57 does failing. In pdal, the reader crashes with an uncaught E57Exception. Possibly the reader should catch and rethrow that with the context information about what failed, but that’s besides the point. CloudCompare is able to import the other scans and ignores the one that failed. I’m wondering if that is the sort of behaviour that makes sense for pdal to support? I know pdal combines the scans into a single point cloud, but if a scan fails does it make sense to ignore it and keep going, or just bail out like it current does? Maybe that could be an option on the reader?

We would be happy to merge pull requests that implement the reasonable stuff you are suggesting here. None of the core developer team uses e57 very much either, so if someone is able to step forward to make that more usable and convenient for people, all the better.


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