[pdal] Change vertical datum

Ulises Ibarra ulisesmartinibarra at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 07:07:27 PDT 2022

 Hello everyone:

I'm not sure that the topics that I expose correspond to the topics that
are covered in this list, if not, I wish you could tell me where to go.  Maybe
on the PROJ list?

When I do a vertical datum shift of a point cloud, using the following

"out_srs":"+init=epsg:32614 +geoidgrids=C:/nubes/geoides/GGM10_GEO.gtx"


1.- After running the command I get an alert:

" Warning 1: +init=epsg:XXXX syntax is deprecated. It might return a CRS
with a non-EPSG compliant axis order. "

Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong at this point?

2.- What argument would I have to use to see in the metadata something like
"Vertical Datum": "GGM10" or "Mexican Gravimetric Geoid 2010"? Of course,
in case the datum change has been made.

Best regards
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