[pgrouting-dev] BDSP Crashes

Razequl Islam ziboncsedu at gmail.com
Sun Jul 1 02:18:17 PDT 2012

Hi Steve,
Bad news :(

As I mentioned, I already have a test application to read from text file,
it will be very helpful if you send me a csv file containing the graph.
Also please let me know if there is any error message. I am looking into my
code for a possible reason.


On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 3:19 AM, Stephen Woodbridge
<woodbri at swoodbridge.com>wrote:

> Hi Razequl,
> I tried a larger test and it crashed the server.
> You can test it like this:
> # fetch a test file from my server
> wget http://imaptools.com/dl/test.**tgz <http://imaptools.com/dl/test.tgz>
> # extract the tarfile into directory test
> tar xzf test.tgz
> # load the file into your test database into table "st"
> shp2pgsql -s 4326 -c -D -I -N skip test/bdsp-bug.shp st | psql -U user -h
> localhost mydatabase
> # get into psql or pgadmin and run the following
> psql -U user -h localhost mydatabase
> SELECT * FROM st, (
>               SELECT gid,the_geom
>                 FROM bidir_dijkstra_shortest_path(
>                   'SELECT link_id  as id,
>                            source::integer,
>                            target::integer,
>                            cost_time::double precision as cost ,
>                            rcost_time as reverse_cost
>                      FROM st a',
>                   1187405,
>                   1187508,
>                   true,
>                   true
>          ), st where edge_id = link_id
>     ) as rt
>     WHERE st.gid=rt.gid;
> This crashes my server!
> If you want to write a testmain.cpp, I can provide the graph data in a csv
> file that you could read in and pass to your code instead of the query to
> get the data from table st.
> -Steve
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