[pgrouting-dev] Testing different versions of PostGIS with CREATE EXTENSION

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon May 6 15:59:30 PDT 2013

On 5/6/2013 5:17 PM, Paragon Corporation wrote:
> For PostgreSQL 9.1+ and PostGIS 2.0+ it is possible to denote the version of
> PostGIS to test with.
> I'm wondering if it would be too much work to have that as a variable that
> can be set in the test script.
> The reason I ask is right now I have multiple versions of PostGIS installed
> on each pg version of the buildbot.
> So to pick which one to use.  If I do
> It ends up using the last version installed.
> However I can be more explicit and say
> Or
> So if we could pass that in as a variable, would make it much easier to test
> against different versions of PostGIS.

Ok, just checked in changes:

Usage: test-runner.pl -pgver vpg -pgisver vpgis -psql /path/to/psql
        -pgver vpg          - postgresql version
        -pgisver vpgis      - postgis version
        -psql /path/to/psql - optional path to psql
        -h                  - help

> On a slightly related note, I noticed the sew_2.0 is installing the
> extension as 1.0.7.  Shouldn't this be bumped to 2.0.0?

Yes it will eventually change just have not gotten to it. The current 
release is 1.05. I also have not done anything to support versioning in 
pgrouting releases yet. I'm about ready to start making changes to all 
the function signatures when I do that I'm update the version to '2.0.0DEV'.


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