[pgrouting-dev] Issue #329 + new flag

Daniel Kastl daniel at georepublic.de
Mon Apr 6 19:40:02 PDT 2015

> My personal preference is clean = False (Don't clean),  that is, it will
> continue with the topology where source & target values are null. That
> way if I add 100 rows to my 25million edges table, it will just add the
> topology for those 100 rows and not delete the existing topology and
> restart constructing the topology of 25million +100 edges.
In my opinion, what it shouldn't do is to drop the table by default ;-)

Are you planning to improve the function to allow to continue updating
topology if new data was added for example?

I think the case for the "clean" flag are:

* clean = True
-> topology exists already -> drop and recreate topology without warning?
-> topology doesn't exist -> create it

* clean = False
-> topology exists already -> update topology?
-> topology doesn't exist -> create it



Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.info

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