[pgrouting-users] SoC Bi-Directional routing

Daniel Kastl kastl at orkney.co.jp
Wed Apr 1 21:38:24 EDT 2009

Hi Zhao ting,

First of all, thank your for your Google SoC submission.
May I invite you to discuss your proposal quickly on the pgRouting
mailing list.

I'm glad to see that you already have a lot of experience in the field
of routing.

Before giving a comment to on the SoC page, I wanted to ask about the
term "bi-directional":
I saw that you took a look into the pgRouting source code. With
bi-directional search we actually thought about this:

"It runs two simultaneous searches: one forward from the initial state,
and one backward from the goal, stopping when the two meet in the middle."

Could it be that you talked about "reverse cost" as bi-directional,
which is actually already implemented.

Maybe we should clarify this in your proposal.


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