[pgrouting-users] Split lines at specific points

agentsees agentsees at gmx.net
Mon May 24 06:04:18 EDT 2010


This may be a simple question, but im not sure how to solve this. I want 
to split the edges in my network at specific points. I have a few 
hundred points lying on different edges. Splitting should result in 2 
lines instead of one. Then i recalculate the length of the lines and in 
the end i run assign_vertex_id to get the topology back. My goal is to 
make routing more accurate, so that the calculation uses start and 
endingpoints which are directly infront of the start and endpoints. I 
already tried the smart_wrapper function but it wont work. So i will do 
it by hand. Could someone give me a hint whats the best way to follow 
for this?
Thank you!

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