[Portugal] Fwd: gvSIG CE beta to be released soon | help needed with translations

Lluís Vicens lluis sigte.udg.es
Terça-Feira, 20 de Maio de 2014 - 00:30:37 PDT

Buenos días,

Se buscan traductores, con ganas de participar en el proyecto, para 
Español y Portugues.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Gvsigce-users] gvSIG CE beta to be released soon | help 
needed with translations
Date: 	Mon, 19 May 2014 22:32:56 +0200
From: 	Benjamin Ducke <benducke  fastmail.fm>
To: 	gvSIG CE Users <gvsigce-users  lists.sourceforge.net>

Dear All --

We are set to release a new version of gvSIG CE by the end
of this month. Most probably, this will be a beta version,
hopefully leading to a release candidate and then a final
version soon.

A (draft) release announcement with some of the exciting new
features can be found here:


One of the biggest changes will be a complete renovation of
the main menu. Icons and menu items will no longer be hidden,
everything has been re-organised to be more intuitive and we
will provide a new set of clearer, larger and more consistent

Here is the problem: The new menu system includes hundreds
of new GUI strings (the names of menu items and toolbar icons,
tooltips, etc). So far, these have been translated to English
and German, but we lack translations to the other (still)
supported languages: French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
So: If you speak any of these languages and would like to
contribute a few hours of your time to this project, let me
know so via this mailing list. Maybe we can make all translations
available in time for the beta release.



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Lluís Vicens

SIGTE - Universitat de Girona
Pl. Ferrater Mora, 1
17071   Girona

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