[postgis-devel] Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS 1.3.0 Released

Mark Cave-Ayland mark.cave-ayland at ilande.co.uk
Mon Aug 13 00:23:53 PDT 2007

On Sun, 2007-08-12 at 20:45 +0100, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

> Also, one other thing I noticed: there are no release notes for the 1.3.0 release in
> the documentation here: http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/apa.html#id2834647.

Now that I've fixed the XML error in postgis.xml, the release notes
appear on my local copy here so I guess that the website wasn't updating
because the documentation build was failing :(  Hopefully the website
should pick up the fixed version over the next day or so.

I've also committed a small fix for an unused variable warning which was
leftover from the PostgreSQL 8.3 patch.

So, if you re-tag the 1.3.0 release from trunk then these fixes will
automagically be included in the next 1.3.0 tarball.

Kind regards,


ILande - Open Source Consultancy

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