[postgis-devel] PATCH: Test PostgreSQL 8.3 patch for PostGIS

TECHER David davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Mon May 21 11:27:49 PDT 2007

Hi Mark

make: entrant dans le répertoire « /home/david/src/postgis-svn/regress »
Creating spatial db postgis_reg
TMPDIR is /tmp/pgis_reg_29597

 PostgreSQL 8.3devel on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 
4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)
 Postgis 1.2.2SVN - 2007-05-21 18:23:27
   GEOS: 3.0.0rc4-CAPI-1.3.3
   PROJ: Rel. 4.5.0, 22 Oct 2006

Running tests

 loader/Point.............. ok
 loader/PointM.............. ok
 loader/PointZ.............. ok
 loader/MultiPoint.............. ok
 loader/MultiPointM.............. ok
 loader/MultiPointZ.............. ok
 loader/Arc.............. ok
 loader/ArcM.............. ok
 loader/ArcZ.......... ok
 loader/Polygon.............. ok
 loader/PolygonM.............. ok
 loader/PolygonZ.............. ok
 regress. ok
 regress_index. ok
 regress_index_nulls. ok
 lwgeom_regress. ok
 regress_lrs. ok
 removepoint. ok
 setpoint. ok
 simplify. ok
 snaptogrid. ok
 affine. ok
 wkt. ok
 measures. ok
 long_xact. ok
 ctors. ok
 sql-mm-serialize. ok
 regress_ogc. ok
 regress_bdpoly. ok
 regress_proj. ok
 kml. ok

Run tests: 31
Failed: 0

Mark Cave-Ayland a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> Well here it is - I finally have a patch against SVN HEAD that passes
> all regression tests. Unfortunately, due to way in which many parts of
> PostGIS referred to the varlena header directly to find the size of a
> PG_LWGEOM, it is an horrendously invasive patch. And I may not have
> caught all the places required, although the regression tests really
> helped a lot.
> The change that probably needs the most explaining is the introduction
> of a SERIALIZED_LWGEOM structure to hold the results of the geometry
> parser; this is because the parser needs to return the size of the
> serialized LWGEOM separately, instead of trying to use it as a varlena
> header and poking it into PG_LWGEOM directly.
> Since it's quite an invasive patch, I'll wait for some testing and
> feedback before committing. The only missing part is version detection,
> including the use of some kind of wrapper to map SET_VARSIZE(..) back to
> VARATT_SIZEP, and possibly VARDATA back to VARATT_DATA for older
> versions of PostgreSQL. However, I'd like to get some testing on other
> platforms using PostgreSQL 8.3 to make sure I'm on the right track
> first.
> ATB,
> Mark.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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