[postgis-devel] CUnit

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Tue Dec 16 14:52:30 PST 2008

I think having the ability to perform unit tests is, as you say, invaluable.  As the code base grows, it becomes harder 
to manage / easier to break some portion of the codebase that depends on other portions.  If we can swing it, I vote to 
introduce the harness.

We could add a "make code-check" or something to the main Makefile.

-- Kevin

Paul Ramsey wrote:
> FYI, I've committed in the early bits of code on my line crossing
> project. Most interesting to the development community is the contents
> of 'cunit', which is a cunit test harness directly working on
> liblwgeom. It was really invaluable for testing the code, I must say.
> Good work Mark on breaking out liblwgeom, it has all worked as
> advertised so far.
> I'm interested in thoughts on how we should handle cunit tests, or if
> we should even have them at all. Right now there is a hardcode
> dependency on have cunit installed in /usr/local, but obviously it is
> still early days.
> Paul
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