[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch main updated. 3.2.0-5-g092a15f9f

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Sat Dec 18 15:20:02 PST 2021

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "PostGIS".

The branch, main has been updated
       via  092a15f9f4b15cafd9b3e654920219bdf2154fe0 (commit)
       via  a99a00ab73bca7aee7a7f2cd224cabce4aef8e93 (commit)
      from  8a7ba5fdf4a93313f1c09dfb55e9174b26aea3e6 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 092a15f9f4b15cafd9b3e654920219bdf2154fe0
Author: Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>
Date:   Sun Dec 19 00:19:49 2021 +0100

    Stub 3.3.0dev section

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 454281d12..d05ba5f62 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+PostGIS 3.3.0dev
+ * Breaking changes *
+  - ...
+ * Enhancements *
+  - ...
 PostGIS 3.2.0 (Olivier Courtin Edition)
 This version requires PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher

commit a99a00ab73bca7aee7a7f2cd224cabce4aef8e93
Author: Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>
Date:   Tue Dec 14 22:54:55 2021 +0100

    Allow upgrades in presence of views using deprecated functions
    Support adding a 'Replaces' comment above functions to improve upgrade
    When a function has a line like the following in in the comments
    above its signature:
      Replaces ST_Intersection(geometry, geometry) deprecated in 3.1.0
    The upgrade script will try to drop the deprecated functions and in case
    of failure leave them behind renamed with a _deprecated_by_postgis_<version>
    suffix, warns the user about such occurrence and gives her hints on
    how to fix.
    The postgis_full_version() will report presence of such deprecated
    functions as an "incomplete upgrade".
    References #5033 in master/main branch (3.3.0dev)
    Includes regression tests

diff --git a/postgis/postgis.sql.in b/postgis/postgis.sql.in
index f54bf20cc..003d8b60f 100644
--- a/postgis/postgis.sql.in
+++ b/postgis/postgis.sql.in
@@ -2926,7 +2926,10 @@ $$ LANGUAGE 'sql' STABLE;
 -- Changed: 3.0.0 also upgrade postgis_raster if it exists
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION postgis_extensions_upgrade() RETURNS text
 AS $$
-DECLARE rec record; sql text; var_schema text;
+	rec record;
+	sql text;
+	var_schema text;
 	FOR rec IN
@@ -2940,7 +2943,7 @@ BEGIN
 		ORDER BY length(name) -- this is to make sure 'postgis' is first !
+	LOOP --{
 		IF rec.installed_version IS NULL THEN
 			-- If the support installed by available extension
 			-- is found unpackaged, we package it
@@ -3020,7 +3023,7 @@ BEGIN
 			EXECUTE sql;
 		END IF;
+	END LOOP; --}
 	RETURN 'Upgrade completed, run SELECT postgis_full_version(); for details';
@@ -3211,6 +3214,12 @@ BEGIN
 		fullver = fullver || ' (sfcgal procs from "' || sfcgal_scr_ver || '" need upgrade)';
+	-- Check for the presence of deprecated functions
+	IF EXISTS ( SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname LIKE '%_deprecated_by_postgis_%' )
+		fullver = fullver || ' (deprecated functions exist, upgrade is not complete)';
 	RETURN fullver;
@@ -3479,6 +3488,7 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_IsValidTrajectory(geometry)
 -- Changed: 3.1.0 to add gridSize default argument
+-- Replaces ST_Intersection(geometry, geometry) deprecated in 3.1.0
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_Intersection(geom1 geometry, geom2 geometry, gridSize float8 DEFAULT -1)
 	RETURNS geometry
 	AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','ST_Intersection'
@@ -3622,6 +3632,7 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_MaximumInscribedCircle(geometry, OUT center geomet
 -- PostGIS equivalent function: ST_difference(geom1 geometry, geom2 geometry)
 -- Changed: 3.1.0 to add gridSize default argument
+-- Replaces ST_Difference(geometry, geometry) deprecated in 3.1.0
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_Difference(geom1 geometry, geom2 geometry, gridSize float8 DEFAULT -1.0)
 	RETURNS geometry
 	AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','ST_Difference'
@@ -3644,6 +3655,7 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_Points(geometry)
 -- PostGIS equivalent function: symdifference(geom1 geometry, geom2 geometry)
 -- Changed: 3.1.0 to add gridSize default argument
+-- Replaces ST_SymDifference(geometry, geometry) deprecated in 3.1.0
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_SymDifference(geom1 geometry, geom2 geometry, gridSize float8 DEFAULT -1.0)
 	RETURNS geometry
 	AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','ST_SymDifference'
@@ -3671,6 +3683,7 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_Union(geom1 geometry, geom2 geometry, gridSize flo
 -- Availability: 2.0.0
 -- Changed: 3.1.0 to add gridSize default argument
+-- Replaces ST_UnaryUnion(geometry) deprecated in 3.1.0
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_UnaryUnion(geometry, gridSize float8 DEFAULT -1.0)
 	RETURNS geometry
@@ -3699,6 +3712,7 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_ClipByBox2d(geom geometry, box box2d)
 -- Availability: 2.2.0
 -- Changed: 3.1.0 to add gridSize default argument
+-- Replaces ST_Subdivide(geometry, integer) deprecated in 3.1.0
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_Subdivide(geom geometry, maxvertices integer DEFAULT 256, gridSize float8 DEFAULT -1.0)
 	RETURNS setof geometry
 	AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'ST_Subdivide'
@@ -4147,6 +4161,7 @@ CREATE AGGREGATE ST_MakeLine (geometry) (
 -- Availability: 2.3.0
 -- Changed: 3.2.0 added max_radius parameter
+-- Replaces ST_ClusterKMeans(geometry, integer) deprecated in 3.2.0
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_ClusterKMeans(geom geometry, k integer, max_radius float8 default null)
 	RETURNS integer
 	AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'ST_ClusterKMeans'
diff --git a/postgis/postgis_before_upgrade.sql b/postgis/postgis_before_upgrade.sql
index 9c1a06829..fd104bc8e 100644
--- a/postgis/postgis_before_upgrade.sql
+++ b/postgis/postgis_before_upgrade.sql
@@ -217,13 +217,6 @@ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS st_buffer(geometry, double precision); -- Does not confl
 DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_CurveToLine(geometry, integer); -- Does not conflict
 DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_CurveToLine(geometry); -- Does not conflict
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS st_intersection(geometry, geometry); -- replaced in 3.1.0 by 3 args version
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS st_subdivide(geometry, integer); -- replaced in 3.1.0 by 3 args version
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS st_difference(geometry, geometry); -- replaced in 3.1.0 by 3 args version
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS st_symdifference(geometry, geometry); -- replaced in 3.1.0 by 3 args version
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS st_unaryunion(geometry); -- replaced in 3.1.0 by 3 args version
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ST_ClusterKMeans(geometry, integer); -- replaced in 3.2.0 by 3 args version
 -- geometry_columns changed parameter types so we verify if it needs to be dropped
 -- We check the catalog to see if the view (geometry_columns) has a column
 -- with name `f_table_schema` and type `character varying(256)` as it was
diff --git a/regress/hooks/hook-after-upgrade.sql b/regress/hooks/hook-after-upgrade.sql
index 459f80249..d7fb108a7 100644
--- a/regress/hooks/hook-after-upgrade.sql
+++ b/regress/hooks/hook-after-upgrade.sql
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS upgrade_view_test;
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS upgrade_view_test_overlay;
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS upgrade_view_test_unaryunion;
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS upgrade_view_test_subdivide;
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS upgrade_view_test_union;
 DROP TABLE upgrade_test;
diff --git a/regress/hooks/hook-before-upgrade.sql b/regress/hooks/hook-before-upgrade.sql
index d4bcb8cd6..de661643d 100644
--- a/regress/hooks/hook-before-upgrade.sql
+++ b/regress/hooks/hook-before-upgrade.sql
@@ -19,8 +19,31 @@ BEGIN
 	IF vernum >= 120000
 		RAISE DEBUG '12+ server (%)', vernum;
-    CREATE VIEW upgrade_view_test AS
+    CREATE VIEW upgrade_view_test_union AS
     SELECT ST_Union(g1) FROM upgrade_test;
 $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+-- Add view using overlay functions
+CREATE VIEW upgrade_view_test_overlay AS
+	ST_Intersection(g1, g1) as geometry_intersection,
+	ST_Intersection(g2, g2) as geography_intersection,
+	ST_Difference(g1, g1) as geometry_difference,
+	ST_SymDifference(g1, g1) as geometry_symdifference
+FROM upgrade_test;
+-- Add view using unaryunion function
+-- NOTE: 2.0.0 introduced ST_UnaryUnion
+CREATE VIEW upgrade_view_test_unaryunion AS
+	ST_UnaryUnion(g1) as geometry_unaryunion
+FROM upgrade_test;
+-- Add view using unaryunion function
+-- NOTE: 2.2.0 introduced ST_Subdivide
+CREATE VIEW upgrade_view_test_subdivide AS
+	ST_Subdivide(g1, 256) as geometry_subdivide
+FROM upgrade_test;
diff --git a/utils/postgis_proc_upgrade.pl b/utils/postgis_proc_upgrade.pl
index 23cd81266..54071f2d3 100755
--- a/utils/postgis_proc_upgrade.pl
+++ b/utils/postgis_proc_upgrade.pl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
 # http://postgis.net
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>
+# Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>
 # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Paul Ramsey <pramsey at opengeo.org>
 # Copyright (C) 2005 Refractions Research Inc.
@@ -49,6 +49,25 @@ sub parse_last_updated
     return 0;
+sub parse_replaces
+    my @replaces = ();
+    my $comment = shift;
+    my ($name, $args, $ver);
+    foreach my $line ( split /\n/, $comment )
+    {
+        if ( $line =~ m/.*Replaces\s\s*([^\(]*)\(([^\)]*)\)\s\s*deprecated in\s\s*([^\.]*)\.([^.]*)/ )
+        {
+            $name = $1;
+            $args = $2;
+            $ver = $3*100 + $4;
+            my @r = ($name, $args, $ver);
+            push @replaces, \@r;
+        }
+    }
+    return @replaces;
 sub parse_missing
     my $comment = shift;
@@ -78,6 +97,8 @@ my $version_from_num = 0;
 my $schema = "";
 $schema = $ARGV[2] if @ARGV > 2;
+my @renamed_deprecated_functions = ();
 die "Unable to open input SQL file $sql_file\n"
   if ( !-f $sql_file );
@@ -168,14 +189,80 @@ while(<INPUT>)
     if (/^create or replace function/i)
-        print $_;
+        my $def .= $_;
+        my @replaced_array = parse_replaces($comment);
         my $endfunc = 0;
-            print $_;
+            $def .= $_;
             $endfunc = 1 if /^\s*(\$\$\s*)?LANGUAGE /;
             last if ( $endfunc && /\;/ );
+        foreach my $replaced (@replaced_array)
+        {
+            my ($name, $args, $ver) = @$replaced;
+            $name = lc($name); # lowercase the name
+            my $renamed = $name . '_deprecated_by_postgis_' . ${ver};
+            my $replacement = "${renamed}(${args})";
+            push @renamed_deprecated_functions, ${renamed};
+            print <<"EOF";
+-- Rename $name ( $args ) deprecated in PostGIS $ver
+DO LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
+    replaced_proc regprocedure;
+    rec RECORD;
+    new_view_def TEXT;
+    sql TEXT;
+    detail TEXT;
+    -- Check if the old function signature, exists
+    BEGIN
+        replaced_proc := '$name($args)'::regprocedure;
+    -- Catch the "function does not exist"
+    WHEN undefined_function THEN
+        RAISE DEBUG 'Function $name($args) does not exist';
+            USING DETAIL = detail;
+    END;
+    IF replaced_proc IS NULL THEN
+        $def
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
+    -- Old function signature exists
+    -- Rename old function, to avoid ambiguities and eventually drop
+    ALTER FUNCTION $name( $args ) RENAME TO ${renamed};
+    -- Drop the function from any extension it is part of
+    -- so dump/reloads still work
+    FOR rec IN
+        SELECT e.extname
+        FROM
+            pg_extension e,
+            pg_depend d
+        WHERE
+            d.refclassid = 'pg_catalog.pg_extension'::pg_catalog.regclass AND
+            d.refobjid = e.oid AND
+            d.classid = 'pg_proc'::regclass AND
+            d.objid = replaced_proc::oid
+    LOOP
+        RAISE DEBUG 'Unpackaging ${renamed} from extension %', rec.extname;
+        sql := format('ALTER EXTENSION %I DROP FUNCTION ${renamed}(${args})', rec.extname);
+        EXECUTE sql;
+    END LOOP;
+        }
+        print $def;
     if (/^create type (\w+)/i)
@@ -509,6 +596,91 @@ EOF
     $comment = '';
+# If any deprecated function still exist, drop it now
+my $deprecated_names = '{' . ( join ',', @renamed_deprecated_functions) . '}';
+print <<"EOF";
+-- Drop deprecated functions if possible
+DO LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
+    deprecated_functions regprocedure[];
+    rec RECORD;
+    sql TEXT;
+    detail TEXT;
+    hint TEXT;
+    -- Fetch a list of deprecated functions
+    SELECT array_agg(oid::regprocedure)
+    FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc
+    WHERE proname = ANY ('${deprecated_names}'::name[])
+    INTO deprecated_functions;
+    -- Rewrite views using deprecated functions
+    -- to improve the odds of being able to drop them
+    FOR rec IN
+        SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname,
+            c.relname AS viewname,
+            pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS viewowner,
+            pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) AS definition,
+            CASE
+                WHEN 'check_option=cascaded' = ANY (c.reloptions) THEN 'WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION'
+                WHEN 'check_option=local' = ANY (c.reloptions) THEN 'WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION'
+                ELSE ''
+            END::text AS check_option
+        FROM pg_class c
+        LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
+        WHERE c.relkind = 'v'
+        AND pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) ~ 'deprecated_by_postgis'
+    LOOP
+        sql := format('CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW %I.%I AS %s %s',
+            rec.schemaname,
+            rec.viewname,
+            regexp_replace(rec.definition, '_deprecated_by_postgis_[^(]*', '', 'g'),
+            rec.check_option
+        );
+        RAISE NOTICE 'Updating view % to not use deprecated signatures', rec.viewname;
+        BEGIN
+            EXECUTE sql;
+        EXCEPTION
+                RAISE WARNING 'Could not rewrite view % using deprecated functions', rec.viewname
+                        USING DETAIL = format('%s: %s', SQLERRM, detail);
+        END;
+    END LOOP;
+    -- Try to drop all deprecated functions, raising a warning
+    -- for each one which cannot be drop
+    FOR rec IN SELECT unnest(deprecated_functions) as proc
+    LOOP --{
+        sql := format('DROP FUNCTION %s', rec.proc);
+        --RAISE DEBUG 'SQL: %', sql;
+        BEGIN
+            EXECUTE sql;
+        EXCEPTION
+            hint = 'Resolve the issue';
+            IF detail LIKE '%view % depends%' THEN
+                hint = format(
+                    'Replace the view changing all occurrences of %s in its definition with %s',
+                    rec.proc,
+                    regexp_replace(rec.proc::text, '_deprecated_by_postgis[^(]*', '')
+                );
+            END IF;
+            hint = hint || ' and upgrade again';
+            RAISE WARNING 'Deprecated function % left behind: %', rec.proc, SQLERRM
+            USING DETAIL = detail, HINT = hint;
+        END;
+    END LOOP; --}
 print "DROP FUNCTION _postgis_upgrade_info();\n";


Summary of changes:
 NEWS                                  |   9 ++
 postgis/postgis.sql.in                |  21 +++-
 postgis/postgis_before_upgrade.sql    |   7 --
 regress/hooks/hook-after-upgrade.sql  |   5 +-
 regress/hooks/hook-before-upgrade.sql |  25 ++++-
 utils/postgis_proc_upgrade.pl         | 178 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 6 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)


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