[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch master updated. 3.3.0rc2-1192-gdb53e7b7c

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Sun Jul 9 11:44:18 PDT 2023

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "PostGIS".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  db53e7b7ce679a9ed05a923e2550103ced3729b4 (commit)
       via  5d148fdf6c1990b2d25ac49cc8649f363424b57e (commit)
      from  faff5d0c03ac6b9481ac50a68251a2406cc3851a (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit db53e7b7ce679a9ed05a923e2550103ced3729b4
Author: Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>
Date:   Sun Jul 9 20:43:57 2023 +0200

    [woodie] tweak path condition for docs

diff --git a/.woodpecker/docs-localized.yml.in b/.woodpecker/docs-localized.yml.in
index 24221e8f9..4ab19dbcd 100644
--- a/.woodpecker/docs-localized.yml.in
+++ b/.woodpecker/docs-localized.yml.in
@@ -1,27 +1,11 @@
-  check-xml- at LANG@:
+  @TARGET at -@LANG@:
     image: *test_image
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/@LANG@ local-check
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/@LANG@ local- at TARGET@
+    group: localized- at TARGET@
-      path: *when_path
-  build-html- at LANG@:
-    image: *test_image
-    group: output- at LANG@
-    commands:
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/@LANG@ local-html
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-pdf- at LANG@:
-    image: *test_image
-    group: output- at LANG@
-    commands:
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/@LANG@ local-pdf
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-cheatsheets- at LANG@:
-    image: *test_image
-    group: output- at LANG@
-    commands:
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/@LANG@ local-cheatsheets
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/@LANG@/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/@LANG@/*.po"
diff --git a/.woodpecker/docs.yml b/.woodpecker/docs.yml
index c8e6f19a3..26efa4a41 100644
--- a/.woodpecker/docs.yml
+++ b/.woodpecker/docs.yml
@@ -2,17 +2,15 @@ variables:
   - &test_image 'docker.osgeo.org/postgis/build-test:trisquel3'
   - &when_path
+        # Common docs path
         # related config files
         - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
         # Makefiles
         - "doc/Makefile.in"
         # XML sources
         - "doc/*.xml"
-        # Localized Makefiles
+        # Internationalization Makefiles
         - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
-        - "doc/po/*/Makefile.local"
-        # Translation files
-        - "doc/po/*/*.po"
@@ -61,249 +59,723 @@ pipeline:
       path: *when_path
   # DO NOT EDIT PAST THIS LINE, use update-docs-localized.sh to update #
-# Supported languages  it_IT pt_BR fr es pl ko_KR de ja ru
-  check-xml-it_IT:
+  check-it_IT:
     image: *test_image
       - make -C build-docs/doc/po/it_IT local-check
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-html-it_IT:
+    group: localized-check
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/it_IT/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/it_IT/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  check-pt_BR:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-it_IT
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/it_IT local-html
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-pdf-it_IT:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pt_BR local-check
+    group: localized-check
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/pt_BR/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/pt_BR/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  check-fr:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-it_IT
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/it_IT local-pdf
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-cheatsheets-it_IT:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/fr local-check
+    group: localized-check
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/fr/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/fr/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  check-es:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-it_IT
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/it_IT local-cheatsheets
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  check-xml-pt_BR:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/es local-check
+    group: localized-check
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/es/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/es/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  check-pl:
     image: *test_image
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pt_BR local-check
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-html-pt_BR:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pl local-check
+    group: localized-check
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/pl/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/pl/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  check-ko_KR:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-pt_BR
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pt_BR local-html
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-pdf-pt_BR:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ko_KR local-check
+    group: localized-check
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ko_KR/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ko_KR/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  check-de:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-pt_BR
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pt_BR local-pdf
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-cheatsheets-pt_BR:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/de local-check
+    group: localized-check
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/de/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/de/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  check-ja:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-pt_BR
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pt_BR local-cheatsheets
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  check-xml-fr:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ja local-check
+    group: localized-check
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ja/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ja/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  check-ru:
     image: *test_image
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/fr local-check
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-html-fr:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ru local-check
+    group: localized-check
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ru/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ru/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  html-it_IT:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-fr
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/fr local-html
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-pdf-fr:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/it_IT local-html
+    group: localized-html
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/it_IT/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/it_IT/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  html-pt_BR:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-fr
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/fr local-pdf
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-cheatsheets-fr:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pt_BR local-html
+    group: localized-html
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/pt_BR/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/pt_BR/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  html-fr:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-fr
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/fr local-cheatsheets
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  check-xml-es:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/fr local-html
+    group: localized-html
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/fr/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/fr/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  html-es:
     image: *test_image
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/es local-check
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-html-es:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/es local-html
+    group: localized-html
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/es/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/es/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  html-pl:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-es
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/es local-html
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-pdf-es:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pl local-html
+    group: localized-html
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/pl/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/pl/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  html-ko_KR:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-es
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/es local-pdf
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-cheatsheets-es:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ko_KR local-html
+    group: localized-html
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ko_KR/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ko_KR/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  html-de:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-es
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/es local-cheatsheets
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  check-xml-pl:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/de local-html
+    group: localized-html
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/de/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/de/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  html-ja:
     image: *test_image
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pl local-check
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-html-pl:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ja local-html
+    group: localized-html
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ja/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ja/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  html-ru:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-pl
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pl local-html
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-pdf-pl:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ru local-html
+    group: localized-html
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ru/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ru/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  cheatsheets-it_IT:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-pl
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pl local-pdf
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-cheatsheets-pl:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/it_IT local-cheatsheets
+    group: localized-cheatsheets
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/it_IT/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/it_IT/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  cheatsheets-pt_BR:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-pl
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pl local-cheatsheets
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  check-xml-ko_KR:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pt_BR local-cheatsheets
+    group: localized-cheatsheets
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/pt_BR/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/pt_BR/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  cheatsheets-fr:
     image: *test_image
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ko_KR local-check
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-html-ko_KR:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/fr local-cheatsheets
+    group: localized-cheatsheets
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/fr/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/fr/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  cheatsheets-es:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-ko_KR
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ko_KR local-html
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-pdf-ko_KR:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/es local-cheatsheets
+    group: localized-cheatsheets
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/es/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/es/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  cheatsheets-pl:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-ko_KR
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ko_KR local-pdf
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-cheatsheets-ko_KR:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pl local-cheatsheets
+    group: localized-cheatsheets
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/pl/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/pl/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  cheatsheets-ko_KR:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-ko_KR
       - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ko_KR local-cheatsheets
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  check-xml-de:
+    group: localized-cheatsheets
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ko_KR/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ko_KR/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  cheatsheets-de:
     image: *test_image
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/de local-check
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-html-de:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/de local-cheatsheets
+    group: localized-cheatsheets
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/de/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/de/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  cheatsheets-ja:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-de
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/de local-html
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-pdf-de:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ja local-cheatsheets
+    group: localized-cheatsheets
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ja/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ja/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  cheatsheets-ru:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-de
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/de local-pdf
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-cheatsheets-de:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ru local-cheatsheets
+    group: localized-cheatsheets
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ru/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ru/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  pdf-it_IT:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-de
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/de local-cheatsheets
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  check-xml-ja:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/it_IT local-pdf
+    group: localized-pdf
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/it_IT/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/it_IT/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  pdf-pt_BR:
     image: *test_image
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ja local-check
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-html-ja:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pt_BR local-pdf
+    group: localized-pdf
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/pt_BR/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/pt_BR/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  pdf-fr:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-ja
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ja local-html
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-pdf-ja:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/fr local-pdf
+    group: localized-pdf
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/fr/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/fr/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  pdf-es:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-ja
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ja local-pdf
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-cheatsheets-ja:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/es local-pdf
+    group: localized-pdf
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/es/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/es/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  pdf-pl:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-ja
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ja local-cheatsheets
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  check-xml-ru:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/pl local-pdf
+    group: localized-pdf
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/pl/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/pl/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  pdf-ko_KR:
     image: *test_image
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ru local-check
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-html-ru:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ko_KR local-pdf
+    group: localized-pdf
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ko_KR/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ko_KR/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  pdf-de:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-ru
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ru local-html
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-pdf-ru:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/de local-pdf
+    group: localized-pdf
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/de/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/de/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  pdf-ja:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-ru
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ru local-pdf
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
-  build-cheatsheets-ru:
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ja local-pdf
+    group: localized-pdf
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ja/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ja/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
+  pdf-ru:
     image: *test_image
-    group: output-ru
-      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ru local-cheatsheets
-    when:
-      path: *when_path
+      - make -C build-docs/doc/po/ru local-pdf
+    group: localized-pdf
+    when:
+      path:
+        include:
+          # Localized assets
+          - "doc/po/ru/Makefile.in"
+          - "doc/po/ru/*.po"
+          # Common docs path
+          # related config files
+          - ".woodpecker/docs.yml"
+          # Makefiles
+          - "doc/Makefile.in"
+          # XML sources
+          - "doc/*.xml"
+          # Internationalization Makefiles
+          - "doc/po/Makefile.local"
diff --git a/.woodpecker/update-docs-localized.sh b/.woodpecker/update-docs-localized.sh
index bb9f4fc67..973790bf9 100755
--- a/.woodpecker/update-docs-localized.sh
+++ b/.woodpecker/update-docs-localized.sh
@@ -4,17 +4,22 @@ cd $(dirname $0)
 SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES=$(grep ^translations ../doc/Makefile.in | cut -d= -f2)
-exec > docs.yml.new
+TARGETS="check html cheatsheets pdf"
-cat docs.yml | sed '/DO NOT EDIT/q'
-echo "# Supported languages $SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES"
+cat docs.yml | sed '/DO NOT EDIT/q' > docs.yml.new
+cat docs.yml.new | sed -n '/# Common docs path/,/^$/p' | grep -v '^$' | sed 's/^/  /' > docs.yml.common_paths
-for lang in ${SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES};
+exec >> docs.yml.new
+for target in ${TARGETS}
-  sed "s/@LANG@/$lang/" docs-localized.yml.in
+  for lang in ${SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES};
+  do
+    sed "s/@LANG@/${lang}/;s/@TARGET@/${target}/" docs-localized.yml.in
+    # Add common docs paths
+    cat docs.yml.common_paths
+  done
 mv -b docs.yml.new docs.yml
+rm docs.yml.common_paths

commit 5d148fdf6c1990b2d25ac49cc8649f363424b57e
Author: Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>
Date:   Sun Jul 9 20:04:23 2023 +0200

    Japanese PDF requires the xetex backend

diff --git a/doc/po/ja/Makefile.in b/doc/po/ja/Makefile.in
index ed5866283..1dcdb708c 100644
--- a/doc/po/ja/Makefile.in
+++ b/doc/po/ja/Makefile.in
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 include @srcdir@/../Makefile.local


Summary of changes:
 .woodpecker/docs-localized.yml.in    |  32 +-
 .woodpecker/docs.yml                 | 824 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 .woodpecker/update-docs-localized.sh |  19 +-
 doc/po/ja/Makefile.in                |   1 +
 4 files changed, 669 insertions(+), 207 deletions(-)


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