[postgis-users] Accessing PostGIS from ArcView

Hisaji ONO hi-ono at mn.xdsl.ne.jp
Tue Jun 11 07:05:37 PDT 2002


 I tried to use your ArcView Extention on ArcView GIS 3.2a.

 I used AV and PostgreSQL running on same PC.

 I could succeed to get filed names of specified table on the Dialog Box
from PostgreSQL on Cygwin on NT. So, in this moment, the connection with
PostgreSQL seemd to have noproblem.

 But I've got following errors after I set selected field name, geometry
field name and output theme name.

  Connection to databse 'tokyo2' failed.

  could not connect to server: errno EADDRNOTAVAIL triggered
          Is the server running on host ono-hi and accepting
          TCP/IP connections on port pasco?

 Could you tell me any suggestion about this?

 Best Regards.

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