[postgis-users] Segmentation fault error caused by shp2pgsql

strk strk at keybit.net
Fri Nov 28 11:41:06 PST 2003

What version of postgis are you using ? Would you try latest CVS ?

PS: Do you really need to use 'GEOMETRY' as geometry type ?


cning wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use the shp2pgsql tool but I am getting the error below.
> ....
> ]$ shp2pgsql brazil.shp brazil test > loadbrazil.sql
> Segmentation fault
> ....
> I did the following sequence of actions:
> - created a table with a script ( ]$ psql -d test -f createtable.sql )
> - entered in psql session (psql -d test)
> - executed ( SELECT AddGeometryColumn('test', 'brazil', 'the_geom', -1, 'GEOMETRY', 2); )
> - finally ( shp2pgsql brazil.shp brazil test > loadbrazil.sql )
> The input file is a shape file called "brazil.shp" (Removing the ".shp" extension yields the same error message)
> The database is called "test".
> The table to be loaded is "brazil"
> The sql file expected from the load process is "loadbrazil.sql"
> \d produces
> Welcome to psql 7.3.4, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
> test=> \d
>               List of relations
>  Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner
> --------+------------------+-------+----------
>  public | brazil           | table | cning
>  public | geometry_columns | table | postgres
>  public | spatial_ref_sys  | table | postgres
> (3 rows)
> test=> \d brazil
>              Table "public.brazil"
>    Column   |         Type          | Modifiers
> ------------+-----------------------+-----------
>  fips_admin | character varying(50) |
>  gmi_admin  | character varying(50) |
>  admin_name | character varying(50) |
>  fips_cntry | character varying(50) |
>  cntry_name | character varying(50) |
>  region     | character varying(50) |
>  continent  | character varying(50) |
>  pop_admin  | character varying(50) |
>  sqkm_admin | character varying(50) |
>  sqmi_admin | character varying(50) |
>  type_eng   | character varying(50) |
>  type_loc   | character varying(50) |
>  the_geom   | geometry              |
> Check constraints: "$1" (srid(the_geom) = -1)
> test=> grant all on brazil to group db_test_admin; (I am included in here)
> ==============================
> One hint is that (pop_admin, sqkm_admin, sqmi_admin) are numbers.
> Did I miss anything?
> Any any tip is welcome.
> Thank you in advance.
> Carlos
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