[postgis-users] (no subject)

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Fri Mar 5 09:36:41 PST 2004

> pgsql2shp -f shape_file -g the_geom gex_runtime sid_content_navi
> FATAL:  database "postgres" does not exist
> The database, gex_runtime, does in fact exist on port 5432, on this 
> server. As does this table, with a column by that name, which is in 
> the geometry_columns table.

Bizarre,  are you running this locally on the server or from another 
I assume you are logged in as user "postgres" - it looks like the program 
isn't recognizing the database parameter and is, by default, looking for a 
database with the same name as the user.  I've seen that when running 
"psql" but  not pgsql2shp - which I haven't really used much.  You may 
want to try using ogr2ogr instead.  Let me know if you need more info 
using it.
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