[postgis-users] Who is Using PostGIS?

Richard Taylor r.taylor at bcs.org.uk
Mon Mar 15 02:13:24 PST 2004

On Monday 08 March 2004 1:27 am, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Hi All,
> It is that time of year again (conference time) so I am going to ask my
> annual question(s):
>     Who are you?

Richard Taylor, Senior Analyst QinetiQ Ltd.

>     What are you using PostGIS for?

We use PostGIS to perform queries on geo referenced information as part of a 
number of applications for various customers. We also use it for research 
into geo referenced information mining. 

We do most of our development using Python and I am the author of the GeoTypes 
(http://people.initd.org/rjt/) type extensions for the Python Postgresql 
library Psycopg (http://initd.org/software/initd/psycopg).

>     Why did you choose PostGIS?

1 - We already use Postgresql
2 - Initially we could not justify the expense of a commercial package for 
researching a few ideas.
3 - Later we were convinced that PostGIS was reliable enough for our 
4 - Support for standards reduces our long-term risks.

>     What makes you happy about your PostGIS installation?

Close integration with the rest of Postgresql. Ease of installation, we use 
Gentoo/Mandrake for development and RedHat/Mandrake for production.

Oh and the price of course.

>     What makes you unhappy about your PostGIS installation?

Lack of a version number in the WKB/WKT protocol but I guess that is not a 
PostGIS issue directly.

> Those who want to remain in confidence, but still want to make their
> feelings known, please respond to me directly.
> Otherwise, answers to the list, so all can enjoy!
> Thanks!
> Paul

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