[postgis-users] problem with apostrophe

Armin Burger armin.burger at gmx.net
Mon Jan 15 15:13:37 PST 2007


as far as I know shapefiles created with ESRI products on Windows use 
Win1252 encoding, which is virtually the same as ISO-8859-1 (LATIN1). 
Probably LATIN1 is also the default for other shape libraries.

With shp2pgsql you can also use -W "LATIN1" to create the output in UTF.


> Do you have an idea how I can find out what encoding my shapefile uses? 
> In the Postgis DB I use UTF-8, but my shapefile doesn't seem to use 
> UTF-8. At least it fails if I use UTF-8 as an encoding during conversion 
> process. I have no idea how to find out what encoding the shapefile 
> uses. I used ISO-8859-1 during conversion. It seems to work fine, but it 
> is just a guess encoding that I use now.
> Thanks,
> Andreas

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