[postgis-users] Experiment: Glassfish/EJB3 and PostGIS

Bastian Voigt post at bastian-voigt.de
Fri May 11 11:37:48 PDT 2007

Gustavo, Rabbia,
thanks for your replies. As I have now found out, indeed it was a 
problem with Toplink Essentials.
Apparently JDBC distinguishes between different types of NULL values. 
There is a varchar null value, an integer null value, etc. etc. Toplink 
tried to insert a "varchar null" instead of a "geometry null", which 
lead to the error message.

I was able to solve this problem now by having toplink use the "NULL 
NULL" value, i.e. a null value of type null.
Weird, but it did help ;-)

In case anyone is interested I can post my patch against toplink 
essentials 1 Build 14.


Gustavo Ces schrieb:
> Hi Bastian,
>    in geometry column ( region) you´re trying to insert a null value 
> and program interprets that as a string one. In that type of columns 
> you only can insert geometry types. Why it inserts null values as 
> default is not a postgres sql problem, perhaps a interface one ( i´m 
> not sure). Maybe if geom coumn is a not null one it doesn´t try to 
> insert a null value, but i don´t know. But it´s a curious question. 
> How do you insert a null into geometry type column?
> Gus
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