Install Error - Centos7, Postgres 16, PostGIS 3.4.2 - No extension file found

Russell Mercer rmercer at
Thu Mar 21 02:20:41 PDT 2024


I am trying to compile and install PostGIS from source on a Centos7 
server.  Host doesn't maintain current version through apt install, so 
need to install this way.

I installed Postgres 16.1 and have that working with no issues.

I have installed the following dependencies:

Geos 3.12.1
Proj 9.4.0
json-c 0.17
GDAL 3.7.2
protobuf 4.0.x
protobuf-c 1.4.0
gmp 6.3.0
mpfr 4.2.1
boost 1.83.0
CGAL 5.6 headers
SFCGAL 1.5.0

Then run the following commands to install PostGIS 3.4.2
cd ~/src
tar zvxf postgis-3.4.2.tar.gz
cd postgis-3.4.2/
./configure --with-pgconfig=$PGHOME/bin/pg_config \
             --with-gdalconfig=$PGHOME/bin/gdal-config \
             --with-geosconfig=$PGHOME/bin/geos-config \
             --with-projdir=$PGHOME \
make -j9
make install

It appeared that it finished properly.  When I enter Postgres and try to 
CREATE EXTENSION, I receive the following error:

ERROR:  extension "postgis" is not available
DETAIL:  Could not open extension control file 
"/home/gspostgres/apps/psql/share/extension/postgis.control": No such 
file or directory.
HINT:  The extension must first be installed on the system where 
PostgreSQL is running.

I am not sure if I have a dependency missing, or if there was actually 
something wrong with the compile.  I would really appreciate any tips 
people may have both to get this working, and also if necessary, to 
uninstall this and start over if need be.

Many thanks in advance,


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