[Proj] epsg:2855 projection problem

Thomas Chesky thomaschesky at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 23 20:52:52 PDT 2004

I have a King County, WA dataset (shapefile) which I am trying to use with Mapserver.
It is in " NAD83(HARN) / Washington North (ftUS) " projection (epsg:2855)
but is translated to an invalid lat/lon extent:

minx="-111.388" miny="46.3886" maxx="-106.113" maxy="49.1724" 

without being a GIS expert (or anything even close) I can only imagine that the PROJ.4 library used by the Mapserver causes it. Is there any known issue with the epsg:2855 definition of PROJ.4 ? 

Can somebody provide me the Mapserver PROJECTION definition for the same but not in the "init=epsg:2855" format. Maybe the problem is with the epsg lookup table and if defined by the full projection syntax, I got the right extent, but I am not sure how to define the proper PROJECTION syntax (other than the epsg one)



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