[Proj] wgs point (lat-lon 'NMEA' to N-E 'metric') "was (lat-lon 'degres' to N-E 'metric')"

Eric Miller EMiller at dfg.ca.gov
Tue Mar 27 12:08:05 PDT 2007

Lots of people have written interfaces for NMEA compliant devices. 
Unless you're doing it for educational reasons, you might have a look at
the GPS software listed on freegis.org.

There are 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute.  Just like
telling time (more or less).  So,

	4051.1749 N  --> 40 51.1749 N --> 40.852915 N 


>>> On 3/27/2007 at 11:22 AM, Massimo Di Stefano
<massimodisasha at yahoo.it> wrote:
> Yes it is a NMEA gps output
> i'm tring to red it directly from a seria device,
> reformat it in a rght format readable by proj
> can i trasnfor it from :
> 4051.1749  N   01415.5317   E
> to
> 40 51 17.49 N  014 15 53.17
> that isn't the same of:
> 40.511749  N   014.155317   E
> right?
> (sorry for this basilar question!)
> have you any suggestion/comment to
> read directly the NMEA format in proj !
> i'm playing with awk or other bash command to reformat this...
> but i'm a newbie student...:-)
> ...  have you any suggestion about ?
> thanks,
> Massimo
> Il giorno 27/mar/07, alle ore 19:03, proj-request at lists.maptools.org 

> ha scritto:
>> Massimo,
>> This looks like an NMEA GPS format. Eg DDDMM.mmmmm
>> You might need to re-format the values to something like decimal  
>> degrees
>> (DDD.dddddddddd) or DD MM SS.ss to use proj for the conversion.
>> Regards
>> Andrew
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