[Proj] Latest copy of manual up

Roger Oberholtzer roger at opq.se
Fri Oct 3 01:16:26 PDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 17:40 -0400, Gerald I. Evenden wrote:
> Check out:
> http://members.verizon.net/~gerald.evenden/proj4/manual.pdf
> See!  I did upload if by this weekend.  :-)

I am not sure of the statements on page 46 about ktmerc being used in
Sweden. The current official method used in Sweden in SWEREF99, which is
described here:

I use:

	"+proj=tmerc +ellps=GRS80 "
	 "+k=0.9996 +x_0=500000 +y_0=0 +lon_0=15.0 +lat_0=0.0 "
	"+towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 "

I have tested this with the control points provided in the link above.
The 'Ref.' line is what the northing easting should be. The Calc line is
what I get with the library. Looks really good.


        WGS84:  Latitude: 55°00’N       Longitude: 12°45’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 356083.438     Northing: 6097106.672
        Calc.   Easting: 356083.438     Northing: 6097106.672   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 55°00’N       Longitude: 14°15’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 452024.069     Northing: 6095048.642
        Calc.   Easting: 452024.069     Northing: 6095048.642   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 57°00’N       Longitude: 12°45’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 363331.554     Northing: 6319636.937
        Calc.   Easting: 363331.554     Northing: 6319636.937   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 57°00’N       Longitude: 19°30’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 773251.054     Northing: 6326392.707
        Calc.   Easting: 773251.054     Northing: 6326392.707   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 59°00’N       Longitude: 11°15’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 284626.066     Northing: 6546096.724
        Calc.   Easting: 284626.066     Northing: 6546096.724   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 59°00’N       Longitude: 19°30’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 758410.519     Northing: 6548757.206
        Calc.   Easting: 758410.519     Northing: 6548757.206   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 61°00’N       Longitude: 12°45’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 378323.440     Northing: 6764877.311
        Calc.   Easting: 378323.440     Northing: 6764877.311   0.001
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 61°00’N       Longitude: 18°45’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 702745.127     Northing: 6768593.345
        Calc.   Easting: 702745.127     Northing: 6768593.345   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 63°00’N       Longitude: 12°00’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 348083.148     Northing: 6989134.048
        Calc.   Easting: 348083.148     Northing: 6989134.048   0.001
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 63°00’N       Longitude: 19°30’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 727798.671     Northing: 6993565.630
        Calc.   Easting: 727798.671     Northing: 6993565.630   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 65°00’N       Longitude: 13°30’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 429270.201     Northing: 7209293.753
        Calc.   Easting: 429270.201     Northing: 7209293.753   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 65°00’N       Longitude: 21°45’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 817833.405     Northing: 7225449.115
        Calc.   Easting: 817833.405     Northing: 7225449.115   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 67°00’N       Longitude: 16°30’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 565398.458     Northing: 7432168.174
        Calc.   Easting: 565398.458     Northing: 7432168.174   0.000
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 67°00’N       Longitude: 24°00’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 891298.142     Northing: 7459745.672
        Calc.   Easting: 891298.142     Northing: 7459745.673   0.001
meters from ref.

        WGS84:  Latitude: 69°00’N       Longitude: 21°00’E
Altitude: 0.00000000
        Ref.    Easting: 739639.195     Northing: 7666089.698
        Calc.   Easting: 739639.195     Northing: 7666089.698   0.000
meters from ref.

According to http://www.lantmateriet.se/templates/LMV_Page.aspx?id=4766,
the older RT90 also used Transverse Mercator.

Roger Oberholtzer

OPQ Systems / Ramböll RST

Ramböll Sverige AB
Kapellgränd 7
P.O. Box 4205
SE-102 65 Stockholm, Sweden

Office: Int +46 8-615 60 20
Mobile: Int +46 70-815 1696

And remember:

It is RSofT and there is always something under construction. 
It is like talking about large city with all constructions finished. 
Not impossible, but very unlikely.

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