[Proj] English translation of Helmert, Geodesy, Vol. 2

Charles Karney charles.karney at sri.com
Mon Jan 9 06:46:59 PST 2012

I have borrowed the ACIC translation of

   F. R. Helmert,
   Die Mathematischen und Physikalischen Theorieen der Hoeheren Geodaesie
   (Mathematical and Physical Theories of Higher Geodesy),
   Vol. 2, The Physical Theories (Teubner, Leipzig, 1884)

from the USGS library in Reston, VA, and have posted a scan of it at


(The translation is a work of the US Government, so it's not covered by


* The table of contents and the cross-references in the text use the
   page numbers from the original book.  This pagination is indicated in
   the translation by the numbers above and below the horizontal lines in
   the text.

* The formulas have been cut and pasted (in the old-fashioned way!) from
   the book.  In some cases these are barely legible.  Go to the German
   text to disambiguate these; see

* This PDF has 1001 pages.  However, the scan is perfectly legible when
   printed 2-up (2 pages per sheet).  This should work OK with A4 and US
   letter sizes.

Charles Karney <charles.karney at sri.com>
SRI International, Princeton, NJ 08543-5300
Tel: +1 609 734 2312

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