[PROJ] Do you use Chebyshev polynomial coeffiecient approximations in proj?

Kristian Evers kristianevers at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 12:31:37 PST 2019


I am contemplating removing the Chebyshev polynomial coefficient
approximation functionality of the proj utility [0]. I suspect that it hasn’t
been used seriously by anyone for the last 20-25 years. Projections
aren’t that expensive to compute by modern standards so there is
simply no need to approximate them. So I’d like to remove the
functionality. There’s no need to waste ressources on maintaining
code and documentation that in all likelihood is not used anymore.

Before I go ahead and remove the code I want to check with the list
if anyone still has a need for this? If no-one responds positively to that
I am going to remove the code at the end of this week.


[0] https://proj4.org/apps/proj.html#cmdoption-proj-t <https://proj4.org/apps/proj.html#cmdoption-proj-t> 
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