[PROJ] vertical_to_vertical in vertoffset_grid_to_gtiff

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Aug 2 05:57:15 PDT 2022

Le 02/08/2022 à 13:31, Dalia Prizginiene - LMI a écrit :
> Hello,
> We have a local online transformation tool and Proj is used for 
> transformation.
> I want to upgrade the Proj but I need to have GTG format for my grids.
> I am trying to use vertoffset_grid_to_gtiff.py from grid_tools
> I do not have EPSG code for VERTICAL_TO_VERTICAL transformation, I do 
> not think that it is possible to get (deformation grid in horizontal 
> is ISN93_ISN2016.gsb (GTG exist) and vertical ISN93_ISN2016.gtx )
> I am using the line:
> python vertoffset_grid_to_gtiff.py --type VERTICAL_TO_VERTICAL 
> --area-of-use "Iceland" --copyright "National Land Survey of Iceland. 
> Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 
> https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" ISN93_ISN2016.gtx 
> ISN93_ISN2016.tif
> but I am getting the SyntexError: invalid syntax (there is no 
> indication which part is wrong)
I've tried to reproduce your command with another .gtx file and I don't 
get a SyntaxError but

vertoffset_grid_to_gtiff.py: error: the following arguments are 
required: --source-crs, --target-crs

which is appropriate.

(I assume you use python3, not python2)

> Could you advice on this matter?
> Best regards
> Dalia
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