[PROJ] Proj for Windows

Roger Oberholtzer roger.oberholtzer at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 03:04:33 PDT 2022

Hi all,

I usually use proj on Linux. Specifically, openSUSE. All is working great.

openSUSE have a build service where I had been building proj for
Widows. Nice service. Interestingly, it makes an RPM of the Windows
package. Which actually works fine for me as I ma only after the
files. But I digress.

Anyway, the last one I built that way was 4.9. It's obviously time for
an update!

The installable components of 4.9 were rather small. So we could
include the needed components in our installer. Newer proj releases
potentially have more that can be installed.

So I'm guessing that a separate proj installer would be a better
choice. Before re-inventing the wheel, I thought I would see if there
already is a Windows installer. Which took me here:


Seems that the link to any install files no longer exists. Is that a
stale link? Or is it no longer something that will be available?

If it's not going to be available, I will update the following to make
RPMs with the needed files. And then make installers from that. But a
general release seems like a good idea.

If you are curious:

My Windows port (old!):


OpenSUSE's proj build:


The great thing about this service is that if any dependencies change,
the package is automatically rebuilt. And all packages are available
in signed repositories. Many Linux distros are supported. Not just

I don't work at SUSE. I'm just passing on info about a potentially
interesting place to build proj for many platforms.

Still curious about the missing link mentioned above.

Roger Oberholtzer

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