[PROJ] Fixing Old Code

Dan Crosby dan.crosby at lincolnagritech.co.nz
Tue Jul 25 20:19:27 PDT 2023

Hi All,
Several years ago I constructed a GIS library for our application out of various bits of libgeotiff, libtiff, libkml and proj.
(this was still the Proj4 era, I think!)
One thing I tried to get working at the time, but never really did, was to read to geo-data from a GeoTIFF and convert
the coordinates to UTM, such that I could then position the image in a UTM space. This worked fine when it did nothing
(i.e., when the GeoTIFF was already in UTM) but any other transformation seemed a bit off.
At the time this wasn't a big deal, as only a few of our users were making forays into GIS type stuff. Now it is becoming
more and more common I wondered if there was a quick and easy way to fix my code in the short term - with a view to 
more rigorous GIS support when I have more time (ultimately it would be nice to transform between any two 'arbitrary' systems)
To be honest I haven't looked at this in a long while and feel like I've forgotten a lot of what I must have known then
in order to get it to the stage it is at currently. Would anyone with more Proj familiarity on the list be willing to glance
through my GeoTIFF importation code and comment on what I have done incorrectly, if anything? Or even just outline the
steps I should take to get the correct projection info out of a GeoTIFF and convert it?
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