[PROJ] What is the syntax for a vertical datum change?

Ulises Ibarra ulisesmartinibarra at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 22:27:13 PDT 2024

I am trying to change the vertical datum of a LIDAR LAS file. But first I
must understand the syntax of proj, but I can't understand it.

If I use the following expression:
echo 747194.732 2307402.892 2037.133 | proj +proj=vgridshift

I get:
Rel. 9.3.1, December 1st, 2023
can't initialize operations that produce angular output coordinates
program abnormally terminated

So I try to try an operation that seems to be simpler:
>cs2cs +proj=utm +zone=13 +north +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
+ellps=wgs84 +to +proj=tmerc +lon_0=-102.624373 +ellps=wgs84

And the result is:
cannot instantiate target coordinate system
program abnormally terminated

I thank you for your kind attention.
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