[Pywps-dev] PyWPS support for ExecuteResponseLocation, providing process status

Jonas Eberle jonas.eberle at gmx.de
Thu Apr 21 08:10:06 PDT 2016

Hi all, 

I guess we (or at least me) are now completely lost in the discussion. In my opinion we have clarified the original question regarding the statusLocation URL. Your execute response (with status accepted) looks good to me. If you go afterwards to the URL mentioned in the statusLocation attribute you should see the process running, failed or succeeded. 

Robin, is this fine so far? 


----- Am 21. Apr 2016 um 16:53 schrieb Robin Skahjem-Eriksen <skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no>: 

> Not sure I am giving the answer to you question, but if you're asking for the
> getCapabilities response, here it is:

> <!-- PyWPS 4.0.0-alpha2 -->

> <wps:ProcessDescriptions xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0
> http://schemas.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0/wpsDescribeProcess_response.xsd"
> service="WPS" version="1.0.0" xml:lang="en-US">
> <ProcessDescription wps:processVersion="0.1" storeSupported="true"
> statusSupported="true">
> <ows:Identifier>ipf
> </ows:Identifier>
> <ows:Title>Generic IPF processor
> </ows:Title>
> <ows:Abstract>Processors for handling IPF products
> </ows:Abstract>
> <DataInputs>
> <Input minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
> <ows:Identifier>processor_name
> </ows:Identifier>
> <ows:Title>IPF processor name
> </ows:Title>
> <LiteralData>
> <ows:DataType ows:reference="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1:string">string
> </ows:DataType>
> <ows:AnyValue/>
> </LiteralData>
> </Input>
> <Input minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
> <ows:Identifier>processor_version
> </ows:Identifier>
> <ows:Title>IPF processor version
> </ows:Title>
> <LiteralData>
> <ows:DataType ows:reference="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1:string">string
> </ows:DataType>
> <ows:AnyValue/>
> </LiteralData>
> </Input>
> <Input minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
> <ows:Identifier>input_selector
> </ows:Identifier>
> <ows:Title>SOL input selection
> </ows:Title>
> <LiteralData>
> <ows:DataType ows:reference="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1:string">string
> </ows:DataType>
> <ows:AnyValue/>
> </LiteralData>
> </Input>
> <Input minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
> <ows:Identifier>muninn_query
> </ows:Identifier>
> <ows:Title>Muninn product catalog query string
> </ows:Title>
> <LiteralData>
> <ows:DataType ows:reference="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1:string">string
> </ows:DataType>
> <ows:AnyValue/>
> </LiteralData>
> </Input>
> </DataInputs>
> <ProcessOutputs>
> <Output>
> <ows:Identifier>ipf_result
> </ows:Identifier>
> </ows:Title>
> <LiteralOutput>
> <ows:DataType ows:reference="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1:string">string
> </ows:DataType>
> </LiteralOutput>
> </Output>
> </ProcessOutputs>
> </ProcessDescription>
> </wps:ProcessDescriptions>

> Med vennlig hilsen / With kind regards,

> Robin Skahjem-Eriksen

> Software developer

> Science [&] Technology AS

> Reg. nr.: 996 229 009 MVA

> [E]: skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no

> [Address]:

> Forskningsparken

> Gaustadalléen 21

> 0349 Oslo

> Norway

> [W]: http://www.stcorp.no

> [P]:+47 45 911 694

> [E]: info at stcorp.no

>> On Apr 21 2016, at 3:34 pm, Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> if possible, you can paste just the header of the process, without execute
>> function - just to see, how PyWPS is dealing with the request and process
>> configuration

>> čt 21. 4. 2016 v 14:15 odesílatel Jonas Eberle < jonas.eberle at gmx.de > napsal:

>>> Thanks. So there is a difference in your environment in having the slash after
>>> "wps" or not.

>>> Works:
>>> http://localhost/wps/?service=WPS&request=GetCapabilities

>>> Works not:
>>> http://localhost/wps?service=WPS&request=GetCapabilities

>>> The second one is stated as serviceInstance attribute in the ExecuteResponse
>>> tag. This is based on the server url variable from the configfile. There you
>>> should have http://localhost/wps/ with the trailing slash (default is without
>>> trailing slash I guess).

>>> Cheers,
>>> Jonas

>>> ----- Am 21. Apr 2016 um 14:02 schrieb Robin Skahjem-Eriksen <
>>> skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no >:

>>>> Request:
>>>> http://localhost/wps/?service=WPS&request=GetCapabilities

>>>> Response:

>>>> <!-- PyWPS 4.0.0-alpha2 -->

>>>> <wps:Capabilities service="WPS" version="1.0.0" xml:lang="en-US"
>>>> xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0
>>>> http://schemas.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0/wpsGetCapabilities_response.xsd "
>>>> updateSequence="1">
>>>> <ows:ServiceIdentification>
>>>> <ows:Title>PyWPS Processing Service
>>>> </ows:Title>
>>>> <ows:Abstract>PyWPS is an implementation of the Web Processing Service standard
>>>> from the Open Geospatial Consortium. PyWPS is written in Python.
>>>> </ows:Abstract>
>>>> <ows:Keywords>
>>>> <ows:Keyword>PyWPS
>>>> </ows:Keyword>
>>>> <ows:Keyword>WPS
>>>> </ows:Keyword>
>>>> <ows:Keyword>OGC
>>>> </ows:Keyword>
>>>> <ows:Keyword>processing
>>>> </ows:Keyword>
>>>> <ows:Type codeSpace="ISOTC211/19115">theme
>>>> </ows:Type>
>>>> </ows:Keywords>
>>>> <ows:ServiceType>WPS
>>>> </ows:ServiceType>
>>>> <ows:ServiceTypeVersion>1.0.0
>>>> </ows:ServiceTypeVersion>
>>>> <ows:Fees>NONE
>>>> </ows:Fees>
>>>> <ows:AccessConstraints>NONE
>>>> </ows:AccessConstraints>
>>>> </ows:ServiceIdentification>
>>>> <ows:ServiceProvider>
>>>> <ows:ProviderName>Organization Name
>>>> </ows:ProviderName>
>>>> <ows:ProviderSite xlink:href=" http://pywps.org/ "/>
>>>> <ows:ServiceContact>
>>>> <ows:IndividualName>Lastname, Firstname
>>>> </ows:IndividualName>
>>>> <ows:PositionName>Position Title
>>>> </ows:PositionName>
>>>> <ows:ContactInfo>
>>>> <ows:Phone>
>>>> <ows:Voice>+xx-xxx-xxx-xxxx
>>>> </ows:Voice>
>>>> </ows:Phone>
>>>> <ows:Address>
>>>> <ows:AdministrativeArea>Administrative Area
>>>> </ows:AdministrativeArea>
>>>> <ows:PostalCode>Zip or Postal Code
>>>> </ows:PostalCode>
>>>> <ows:Country>Country
>>>> </ows:Country>
>>>> <ows:ElectronicMailAddress>Email Address
>>>> </ows:ElectronicMailAddress>
>>>> </ows:Address>
>>>> <ows:OnlineResource xlink:href="Contact URL"/>
>>>> <ows:HoursOfService>Hours of Service
>>>> </ows:HoursOfService>
>>>> <ows:ContactInstructions>During hours of service. Off on weekends.
>>>> </ows:ContactInstructions>
>>>> </ows:ContactInfo>
>>>> <ows:Role>pointOfContact
>>>> </ows:Role>
>>>> </ows:ServiceContact>
>>>> </ows:ServiceProvider>
>>>> <ows:OperationsMetadata>
>>>> <ows:Operation name="GetCapabilities">
>>>> <ows:DCP>
>>>> <ows:HTTP>
>>>> <ows:Get xlink:href=" http://localhost/wps "/>
>>>> <ows:Post xlink:href=" http://localhost/wps "/>
>>>> </ows:HTTP>
>>>> </ows:DCP>
>>>> </ows:Operation>
>>>> <ows:Operation name="DescribeProcess">
>>>> <ows:DCP>
>>>> <ows:HTTP>
>>>> <ows:Get xlink:href=" http://localhost/wps "/>
>>>> <ows:Post xlink:href=" http://localhost/wps "/>
>>>> </ows:HTTP>
>>>> </ows:DCP>
>>>> </ows:Operation>
>>>> <ows:Operation name="Execute">
>>>> <ows:DCP>
>>>> <ows:HTTP>
>>>> <ows:Get xlink:href=" http://localhost/wps "/>
>>>> <ows:Post xlink:href=" http://localhost/wps "/>
>>>> </ows:HTTP>
>>>> </ows:DCP>
>>>> </ows:Operation>
>>>> </ows:OperationsMetadata>
>>>> <wps:ProcessOfferings>
>>>> <wps:Process wps:processVersion="0.1">

>>>> <ows:Identifier>hello_world
>>>> </ows:Identifier>
>>>> <ows:Title>My very first process!
>>>> </ows:Title>
>>>> <ows:Abstract>This process takes the name of a person and displays Hello World
>>>> with it.
>>>> </ows:Abstract>
>>>> </wps:Process>
>>>> <wps:Process wps:processVersion="0.1">
>>>> <ows:Identifier>ipf
>>>> </ows:Identifier>
>>>> <ows:Title>Generic IPF processor
>>>> </ows:Title>
>>>> <ows:Abstract>Processors for handling IPF products
>>>> </ows:Abstract>
>>>> </wps:Process>

>>>> </wps:ProcessOfferings>
>>>> <wps:Languages>
>>>> <wps:Default>
>>>> <ows:Language>en-US
>>>> </ows:Language>
>>>> </wps:Default>
>>>> <wps:Supported>
>>>> <ows:Language>en-US
>>>> </ows:Language>
>>>> </wps:Supported>
>>>> </wps:Languages>
>>>> </wps:Capabilities>
>>>>> On Apr 20 2016, at 5:00 pm, Jonas Eberle < jonas.eberle at gmx.de > wrote:
>>>>> Can you try the following URL:
>>>>> localhost/wps/?service=WPS&request=GetCapabilities

>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Jonas

>>>>> ----- Am 20. Apr 2016 um 12:38 schrieb Robin Skahjem-Eriksen <
>>>>> skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no >:

>>>>>> I am wondering if I have stumbled upon a bug, if not, I find the response quite
>>>>>> cryptic:

>>>>>> request:

>>>>>> localhost/wps/?service=WPS&request=Execute&Identifier=ipf&version=1.0.0&DataInputs=processor_name=ST_IPF_TESTER;processor_version=01.13;input_selector=time-range;muninn_query=validity_stop
>>>>>> > 1980-07-03 and validity_start <
>>>>>> 1980-07-05&status=true&storeExecuteResponse=true

>>>>>> reponse:

>>>>>> <!-- PyWPS 4.0.0-alpha2 -->
>>>>>> <wps:ExecuteResponse xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0
>>>>>> http://schemas.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0/wpsExecute_response.xsd " service="WPS"
>>>>>> version="1.0.0" xml:lang="en-US" serviceInstance="
>>>>>> http://localhost/wps?service=WPS&request=GetCapabilities " statusLocation="
>>>>>> http://localhost/wps/3c7e38b6-06e0-11e6-8f17-0242ac190008.xml ">
>>>>>> <wps:Process wps:processVersion="0.1">
>>>>>> <ows:Identifier>ipf</ows:Identifier>
>>>>>> <ows:Title>Generic IPF processor</ows:Title>
>>>>>> <ows:Abstract>Processors for handling IPF products</ows:Abstract>
>>>>>> </wps:Process>
>>>>>> <wps:Status creationTime="2016-04-20T10:11:23Z">
>>>>>> <wps:ProcessAccepted>PyWPS Process ipf accepted</wps:ProcessAccepted>
>>>>>> </wps:Status>
>>>>>> </wps:ExecuteResponse>

>>>>>> The document ( http://localhost/wps?service=WPS&request=GetCapabilities ):

>>>>>> <!-- PyWPS 4.0.0-alpha2 -->
>>>>>> <ows:ExceptionReport xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1
>>>>>> http://schemas.opengis.net/ows/1.1.0/owsExceptionReport.xsd " version="1.0.0">
>>>>>> <ows:Exception exceptionCode="MissingParameterValue" locator="service">
>>>>>> <ows:ExceptionText>service</ows:ExceptionText>
>>>>>> </ows:Exception>
>>>>>> </ows:ExceptionReport>

>>>>>> I am wondering why the exception is raised, when my Execute request contains the
>>>>>> service attribute.
>>>>>> Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

>>>>>> Med vennlig hilsen / With kind regards,

>>>>>> Robin Skahjem-Eriksen

>>>>>> Software developer

>>>>>> Science [&] Technology AS

>>>>>> Reg. nr.: 996 229 009 MVA

>>>>>> [E]: skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no

>>>>>> [Address]:

>>>>>> Forskningsparken

>>>>>> Gaustadalléen 21

>>>>>> 0349 Oslo

>>>>>> Norway

>>>>>> [W]: http://www.stcorp.no

>>>>>> [P]:+47 45 911 694

>>>>>> [E]: info at stcorp.no

>>>>>>> On Apr 20 2016, at 12:01 pm, Robin Skahjem-Eriksen < skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no >
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thank you so much for catching that and sharing it with me.

>>>>>>> Med vennlig hilsen / With kind regards,

>>>>>>> Robin Skahjem-Eriksen

>>>>>>> Software developer

>>>>>>> Science [&] Technology AS

>>>>>>> Reg. nr.: 996 229 009 MVA

>>>>>>> [E]: skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no

>>>>>>> [Address]:

>>>>>>> Forskningsparken

>>>>>>> Gaustadalléen 21

>>>>>>> 0349 Oslo

>>>>>>> Norway

>>>>>>> [W]: http://www.stcorp.no

>>>>>>> [P]:+47 45 911 694

>>>>>>> [E]: info at stcorp.no

>>>>>>>> On Apr 20 2016, at 11:57 am, Jonas Eberle < jonas.eberle at gmx.de > wrote:
>>>>>>>> You have an error in the request, storeExecuteResponse=true and status=true are
>>>>>>>> individual attributes of the request, in your example these are data inputs!
>>>>>>>> Please use & storeExecuteResponse=true & status=true at the end instead using
>>>>>>>> the semicolon. Using the "old" PyWPS I also embraced the data inputs with
>>>>>>>> brackets, this leads to less errors in my opinion: DataInputs= [
>>>>>>>> processor_name=ST_IPF_;processor_version=01.13 ]

>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Jonas

>>>>>>>> ----- Am 20. Apr 2016 um 10:05 schrieb Robin Skahjem-Eriksen <
>>>>>>>> skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no >:

>>>>>>>>> Jonas, thank you for your clarification on the request attributes and the
>>>>>>>>> changes to the WPS spec.

>>>>>>>>> I have added `status=true`to the execution request in addition to the
>>>>>>>>> aforementioned attributes, and I still don't get a reponse with any URL to the
>>>>>>>>> ResponseDocument.

>>>>>>>>> My request looks like this:

>>>>>>>>> http://localhost/wps/?service=WPS&request=Execute&Identifier=ipf&version=1.0.0&DataInputs=processor_name=ST_IPF_TESTER;processor_version=01.13;input_selector=time-range;muninn_query=validity_stop
>>>>>>>>> > 1980-07-03 and validity_start <
>>>>>>>>> 1980-07-05;storeExecuteResponse=true;status=true

>>>>>>>>> And the process is defines as such:

>>>>>>>>> class IPF(Process):
>>>>>>>>> def __init__(self):
>>>>>>>>> inputs = [
>>>>>>>>> LiteralInput(
>>>>>>>>> 'processor_name',
>>>>>>>>> 'IPF processor name',
>>>>>>>>> data_type='string'
>>>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>>> LiteralInput(
>>>>>>>>> 'processor_version',
>>>>>>>>> 'IPF processor version',
>>>>>>>>> data_type='string'
>>>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>>> LiteralInput(
>>>>>>>>> 'input_selector',
>>>>>>>>> 'SOL input selection',
>>>>>>>>> data_type='string'
>>>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>>> LiteralInput(
>>>>>>>>> 'muninn_query',
>>>>>>>>> 'Muninn product catalog query string',
>>>>>>>>> data_type='string'
>>>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>>>> outputs = [
>>>>>>>>> LiteralOutput(
>>>>>>>>> 'ipf_result',
>>>>>>>>> 'SUCCESS/FAILURE',
>>>>>>>>> data_type='string'
>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>> ]

>>>>>>>>> super(IPF, self).__init__(
>>>>>>>>> self._handler,
>>>>>>>>> identifier='ipf',
>>>>>>>>> version='0.1',
>>>>>>>>> title='Generic IPF processor',
>>>>>>>>> abstract='Processors for handling IPF products',
>>>>>>>>> inputs=inputs,
>>>>>>>>> outputs=outputs,
>>>>>>>>> store_supported=True,
>>>>>>>>> status_supported=True
>>>>>>>>> )

>>>>>>>>> (.. handler omitted ..)

>>>>>>>>> Am I missing something?

>>>>>>>>> Med vennlig hilsen / With kind regards,

>>>>>>>>> Robin Skahjem-Eriksen

>>>>>>>>> Software developer

>>>>>>>>> Science [&] Technology AS

>>>>>>>>> Reg. nr.: 996 229 009 MVA

>>>>>>>>> [E]: skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no

>>>>>>>>> [Address]:

>>>>>>>>> Forskningsparken

>>>>>>>>> Gaustadalléen 21

>>>>>>>>> 0349 Oslo

>>>>>>>>> Norway

>>>>>>>>> [W]: http://www.stcorp.no

>>>>>>>>> [P]:+47 45 911 694

>>>>>>>>> [E]: info at stcorp.no

>>>>>>>>>> On Apr 19 2016, at 9:26 pm, Jonas Eberle < jonas.eberle at gmx.de > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Robin,

>>>>>>>>>> I guess you're looking for the "statusLocation" attribute of the ExecuteResponse
>>>>>>>>>> tag. The value of this attribute is the URL to the response document,
>>>>>>>>>> especially needed when you use asynchronous execution (both, status=true and
>>>>>>>>>> storeExecuteResponse=true, needed in the execute request). There is no
>>>>>>>>>> executeResponseLocation element, please see the "Corrigendum for OpenGIS
>>>>>>>>>> Implementation Standard Web Processing Service (WPS) 1.0.0 (0.0.8)" [1].

>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Jonas

>>>>>>>>>> [1] = http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=32766

>>>>>>>>>> ----- Am 19. Apr 2016 um 11:09 schrieb Robin Skahjem-Eriksen <
>>>>>>>>>> skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no >:

>>>>>>>>>>> I am trying to get pywps working so that a ResponseDocument is used to show the
>>>>>>>>>>> process status, by having the Execute response provide a URL to the
>>>>>>>>>>> ResponseDocument, as specified in the WPS 1.0 standard.

>>>>>>>>>>> I am not sure if pywps actually supports this and if so, the feature is not well
>>>>>>>>>>> documented. I see that pywps supports serving output files and serving these,
>>>>>>>>>>> and I was hoping that this could be used to provide the response document.

>>>>>>>>>>> I initialize a Process object with `store_supported` and `status_supported` set
>>>>>>>>>>> to `True` and provide `storeExecuteResponse=true` in the GET request. However,
>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't manged to receive a response containing the `executeResponseLocation`
>>>>>>>>>>> element, and I cannot find any code in the master branch code base that handles
>>>>>>>>>>> an `ExecuteResponseLocation`.

>>>>>>>>>>> Am I missing anything, or is this feature simply not supported by pywps?

>>>>>>>>>>> Med vennlig hilsen / With kind regards,

>>>>>>>>>>> Robin Skahjem-Eriksen

>>>>>>>>>>> Software developer

>>>>>>>>>>> Science [&] Technology AS

>>>>>>>>>>> Reg. nr.: 996 229 009 MVA

>>>>>>>>>>> [E]: skahjem-eriksen at stcorp.no

>>>>>>>>>>> [Address]:

>>>>>>>>>>> Forskningsparken

>>>>>>>>>>> Gaustadalléen 21

>>>>>>>>>>> 0349 Oslo

>>>>>>>>>>> Norway

>>>>>>>>>>> [W]: http://www.stcorp.no

>>>>>>>>>>> [P]:+47 45 911 694

>>>>>>>>>>> [E]: info at stcorp.no

>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> pywps-dev mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> pywps-dev at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>>>>>>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pywps-dev
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> pywps-dev mailing list
>>> pywps-dev at lists.osgeo.org
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