[Pywps-dev] Can't get XML output's execution ( pyWPS + Owslib )

Luís de Sousa luis.a.de.sousa at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 06:08:00 PST 2016

Hi Mariano,

The process is being executed in assynchronous mode. To access the
results you must visit the statusLocation URL, in this case:




On 5 January 2016 at 14:41, Mariano Kaimakamian
<marianokaimakamian at suremptec.com.ar> wrote:
> Hello guys:
> My name is Mariano and bothering you because I need some guidance; I did a
> research but I didn't find any solution.
> I'm using pyWPS 3.2.1 (on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS) together with Owslib 0.8.9 as
> a client, and I'm experiencing some issues when I try to get the response's
> xml after pyWPS executes a process; I'm not pretty sure if the problem is
> Owslib related but if someone knows something about it, please, let me know.
> The process works as it is expected and I can get the output's object that
> pyWPS returns (WPSExecution, an owslib's object) if I send the request
> omitting the output parameter; however, when I explicitly include that
> parameter to get xml generated, the xml is created but without the output.
> Take a look, please:
> # Setting service and some values
> wps = WebProcessingService('http://myDomain/wps', verbose=True)
> input_parameters = [
>     ("exe_uuid_input", "uuid"), ("pla_uuid_input", "uuid2"),
>     ("literal_input", "foobar"), ("sleep", "2"),
>     ("sender_address_input", "info at somewhere.com.ar"),
>     ("sender_psw_input", "Some input"),
>     ("mail_to_input", "info at somewhere.com.ar")
> ]
> # Execution...
> # Accordingly to owslib documentation, "output" is optional identifier which
> makes owslib to return the process output as a hyperlink reference... that
> means that an xml is generated.
> execution = wps.execute(
> "proceso_test_2015122_version_test_2015122_4f5a18d2-dfee-4167-a427-ab2e5d7d0bea",
>     input_parameters,
> output="proceso_test_2015122_version_test_2015122_4f5a18d2-dfee-4167-a427-ab2e5d7d0bea"
> )
> Here is the xml created:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <wps:ExecuteResponse xmlns:wps="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0"
> xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1"
> xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0
> http://schemas.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0/wpsExecute_response.xsd" service="WPS"
> version="1.0.0" xml:lang="en-CA"
> serviceInstance="?service=WPS&request=GetCapabilities&version=1.0.0"
> statusLocation="http://myDomain/wps/outputs/pywps-145199989796.xml">
>     <wps:Process wps:processVersion="Version Test 20151221122542.106532">
> <ows:Identifier>proceso_test_2015122_version_test_2015122_4f5a18d2-dfee-4167-a427-ab2e5d7d0bea</ows:Identifier>
>         <ows:Title>Process: dddee3ad-ebf5-42f0-96b9-48011067ef9f - Version:
> Version Test 20151221122542.106532</ows:Title>
>         <ows:Abstract><![CDATA[
> User: 1
> Process: dddee3ad-ebf5-42f0-96b9-48011067ef9f
> Version: Prueba de eventos y planner]]></ows:Abstract>
>     </wps:Process>
>     <wps:Status creationTime="2016-01-05T10:18:17Z">
>         <wps:ProcessAccepted>Process
> proceso_test_2015122_version_test_2015122_4f5a18d2-dfee-4167-a427-ab2e5d7d0bea
> accepted</wps:ProcessAccepted>
>     </wps:Status>
> </wps:ExecuteResponse>
> As you can see, there is no output and the status is ProcessAccepted, when
> the owslib's object -if I omit the output parameters- confirms the success
> of the operation.
> That's all guys.
> Thanks in advance for your time and for any comment; let me know if you need
> more information.
> Reagrds,
> Mariano
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