[QGIS Commit] r15780 - trunk/qgiswebclient

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Wed Apr 20 12:34:45 EDT 2011

Author: neumann
Date: 2011-04-20 09:34:45 -0700 (Wed, 20 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 15780

updated readme file with additional instructions

Modified: trunk/qgiswebclient/readme.txt
--- trunk/qgiswebclient/readme.txt	2011-04-20 16:34:03 UTC (rev 15779)
+++ trunk/qgiswebclient/readme.txt	2011-04-20 16:34:45 UTC (rev 15780)
@@ -11,16 +11,21 @@
-(the server part will be covered in the QGIS handbook):
 Requirements (Server):
-* Apache (Ubuntu: libapache2-mod-fcgid)
-* python-wsgi for searching
+* Apache2 - Webserver (Ubuntu: apache2)
+* mod-fcgid (Ubuntu: libapache2-mod-fcgid)
+* QGIS and QGIS Server (best installed from source)
+The QGIS server compilation and installation will be covered in the QGIS manual.
+For searching:
+* python-wsgi for searching (Ubuntu: libapache2-mod-wsgi)
+* psycopg2 PostgreSQL db driver (Ubuntu: python-psycopg2)
+* webob - Python module providing WSGI request and response objects (Ubuntu: python-webob)
 The client part needs svn checkout with the following command:
 svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk/qgiswebclient qgiswebclient
 Configuration of Client
 Global Settings for all projects:
@@ -38,11 +43,59 @@
 Thumbnails for individual projects:
+Configuration of search python script
+Searching is handled by two separate python-wsgi scripts: "search.wsgi" lists back a hit list while the user is typing in the searchbox. It groups the results and returns a bounding box of the result. "getSearchGeom.wsgi" returns the actual wkt geometry for a selected search result. It is recommended to install the wsgi scripts in a separate directory, e.g. /home/www/wsgi, a place that is not reachable by regular web traffic.
+You need to enable mod_wsgi as root. (Ubuntu: a2enmod mod_wsgi).
+You need to configure apache with the following lines (e.g. in file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default):
+WSGIDaemonProcess gis processes=5 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP}
+WSGIScriptAlias /wsgi/ /home/www/wsgi/
+WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^/wsgi/([^/]+) /home/www/wsgi/$1.wsgi
+In the files "search.wsgi" and "getSearchGeom.wsgi" please edit the line containing the db connection strings. Search for the line
+conn = psycopg2.connect("db='yourdb' port='5432' user='yourusername' password='yourpassword'")
+and adapt the parameters according to your server/db.
+PostgreSQL table setup for searching:
+CREATE TABLE cadastre.searchtable
+  searchstring text, --the search string (all lower case), e.g. "zürichstrasse 46, 8610 uster"
+  displaytext text NOT NULL, --the display text for the search combobox, e.g. "Zürichstrasse 46, 8610 Uster (address)"
+  search_category text, --should have a leading two digit number:, e.g. "03_parcels", where 03 is the order of the search categories, the number should be unique across all search tables
+  the_geom geometry, --the actual geometry
+  geometry_type text, --the geometry type as returned by ST_GeometryType(the_geom)
+  searchstring_tsvector tsvector,
+  CONSTRAINT searchtable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (displaytext)
+GRANT SELECT ON TABLE cadastre.searchtable TO alle;
+-- Index: cadastre.in_cadastre_searchstring_tsvector_gin
+CREATE INDEX in_cadastre_searchstring_tsvector_gin
+  ON cadastre.searchtable
+  USING gin
+  (searchstring_tsvector);
+The above search table can also be a view or materialized view. One can combine several search tables by specifying the "searchtables=searchtable1,searchtable2,searchtable3" parameter when requesting the "search.wsgi" script.
+GPL v3
+We'd like to thank the OpenLayers and GeoExt team for providing their base libraries.

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