[Qgis-community-team] [Qgis-developer] translation: breaking ts file up in parts for transifex ?

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Sun Feb 16 03:49:13 PST 2014

2014-02-16 13:22 GMT+02:00 Kari Salovaara <kari.salovaara at pp1.inet.fi>:
> String cannot be too long; if You cannot translate the string correctly it's
> developers duty to modify/update the dialog structure to make all
> translations possible (that's called democracy). ;)

I can translate string correctly. But you miss some points:
 - in some languages average word length is bigger that in others, as result
   translated string can be much longer than original
 - sometimes original string should be translated in a flexible way, using
   synonyms or even totally rephrased.

There are some other reasons why translated string has bigger length
that original
one. And this is not developers duty, this is translator duty to make
UI consistent
and easy to read.

Alexander Bruy

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