[Qgis-community-team] translation: breaking ts file up in parts for transifex ?

matteo matteo.ghetta at gmail.com
Sun Feb 16 09:12:03 PST 2014

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

> Hello all,
> Here goes my 50 cents.
> I believe that using transifex will bring more translators, as
> it's definitely more straightforward to just register, login and
> start translating, than having to mess with download files from
> git, and push them back to the repository. In transiflex, if we
> could share the glossaries between Documentation, Web and GUI it
> would also add consistency to certain translated strings.

+1 for the consistency, especially between documentation (so manual)
and GUI. Many people are not able to find an easy solution to an
apparent easy problem because translations of the GUI are not the same
of those of the manual. I know that's our (Italian translators) fault,
but glossary sharing and translation memory options are a really nice
feature in transifex.

+1 also for the increase of the translator thanks to transifex (at
least here in Italy). Working with git is not simple for beginners and
some people are scared when we try to explain the process.

> But... not being able to preview the GUI dialogs while translating,
> makes it difficult to safely translate certain strings that in
> English can have several meanings, but that in other languages (my
> experience is with Portuguese) must be more explicit. In the
> website and documentations this is less troubling since generally
> strings are in some context.

+1 (for Linguist).
I totally agree with this point. Having the preview of the window
makes the terminological choice easier.

I don't know the problem beyond git and transifex and I don't know if
splitting the .ts file can cause problems.
IMHO, if possible I would suggest to move all the files in transifex.
But that's just a translator opinion.. :)


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