[Qgis-community-team] release of qgis 2.6 documentation

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Sun Nov 16 23:18:50 PST 2014

Hi Ramon,

The ctrl-key doesn't do anything during resize, but pressing the 
shift-key constraints the ratio and pressing the alt-key scales from the 

For arrows (lines), pressing the shift-key constraints to 45 degree 
angles, incl. horizontal and vertical.


On 17.11.2014 08:11, Ramon Andiñach wrote:
>> On 15 Nov 2014, at 4:09, Diethard Jansen <diethard.jansen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> We need a bit more time, another week, to finish the documentation for 2.6.
>> When we decide to put it into translation, a branch for 2.6 will be created and that version will be final, there is no chance to improve the documentation for 2.6 afterwards,
>> Please read the testing version and provide issues on github to improve the documentation before release.
> Hi,
> I have some bits of time today and tomorrow, so I'm looking through the print composer bits which is where most of the gaps on the wiki seem to be.
> Is this a sensible place to be looking?
> and
> On the computer in front of me, resizing an object holding ctrl doesn't do anything special. Is this right?
> (I've only got a 2.5 from inside the feature freeze, so maybe it should be working.)
> -ramon.
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