[Qgis-developer] python bindings, shapefile creation : attributes

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 12:54:54 EST 2007

On Nov 23, 2007 7:00 PM, Tim Sutton <tim at linfiniti.com> wrote:
> Ok I didnt explain myself well - it will still be available in the
> wiki under http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/DevelopersManual , generated
> from the CODING.t2t canonical master. Also in my opininion its better
> if you do it in CODING.t2t because the CODING (generated text) will be
> produced for each release so we can always have coding guide relevant
> to the release. By maintaining only on the wiki it supports only the
> most current API and is difficult for users of e.g. 0.8 to find the
> correct docs. For more explanation see the original mail I sent to the
> dev list explaining CODING.t2t earlier this week.
> Make sense?

It makes sense but I'm still not convinced about putting notes about
python API (which is intended mainly to 3rd party developers) together
with developers' manual (which is intended for those willing to
contribute to QGIS). Moreover, both python bindings and developers
manual are already quite long pages (and will be longer), merging them
would result in a huge document which degrades readability. The same
is happening with BuildingFromSource wiki page: IMO it's too huge and
should be divided in several pages, one for every platform.

That's why (at least for now) I prefer to leave page about python
bindings as is and later (when it will contain more information)
decide what to do. Now we don't have to worry about current/older docs
as pyqgis is out there only from qgis 0.9.

Another thing I dislike on t2t files is that when changing them you
have to do manually two more steps:
- regenerate txt files in sources
- regenerate wiki page
And that's quite inconvenient (at least for me).


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