[Qgis-developer] GSoC: GDAL/OGR frontend plugin?

Ian Johnson enjahova at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 00:41:51 EDT 2009

Hello all,
I'm looking for a good Google Summer of Code project. Having used QGIS and
being a proficient Python/GIS programmer I think its the perfect fit. I did
some googling and saw that there is already some interest in a GDAL/OGR
front end, but I would really like to take this full on. The OGR-converter
plugin is not complete, as it can't do CRS transforms, and I hate to say I
don't find it very intuitive. Furthermore I think a lot of the GDAL/OGR
functionality should be able to be done "in-place" on layers, so one could
easily create a new layer from an existing one.

I think unifying CRS related options could also go a long way, using GDAL to
support more than just proj4 definitions and being able to create a custom
CRS from any place that you can select them.
Maybe its because my single biggest headache in learning GIS was dealing
with projections, and now that I understand them through the command line I
want to make it easier on others to deal with them. I think QGIS can be the
perfect tool for this because it is already great for visualization.

Please give me your feedback on this!

Ian Johnson
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