[Qgis-developer] Re: MXD

Duarte Carreira DCarreira at edia.pt
Wed Jun 1 11:39:56 EDT 2011

Well, this is solved! (connecting to ArcSDE)

You have to include the VERSION name in the connection definition, even if it is the default, and also the table name.

So if you create a vrt like this:

It just loads perfectly in QGIS:
   <OGRVRTLayer name="layer name in qgis">
       <LayerSRS>+proj=tmerc +lat_0=39.66666666666666 +lon_0=-8.131906111111112 +k=1 +x_0=200180.598 +y_0=299913.01 +ellps=intl +units=m +towgs84=-223.237,110.193,36.649 +no_defs</LayerSRS>

It works! See: http://bit.ly/l20tAp.

I have added this info to the wiki: User Corner, Hints and Tips:

Thanks to all!!!


-----Mensagem original-----
De: Giovanni Manghi [mailto:giovanni.manghi at gmail.com]
Enviada: sexta-feira, 27 de Maio de 2011 11:18
Para: Duarte Carreira
Cc: qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
Assunto: RE: [Qgis-developer] Re: MXD

Hi Duarte,

> Although I have been able to get ArcSDE support working in
> QGIS through OGR (it takes forever to connect,
> but afterwards it's quite good while drawing and querying).

would be possible to add your notes on how to do this in the qgis wiki
so they can be eventually be added to the documentation?


-- Giovanni --

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