[Qgis-developer] Getting Sextante from GitHub core to work with QGIS 1.8.0

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 08:21:28 PDT 2012

As Victor said, you only need to compile resource file and some dialogs
(currently only About dialog). Just run commands

pyrcc4 -o /path/to/sextante/resources_rc.py /path/to/sextante/resources.qrc
pyuic4 -o /path/to/sextante/about/ui_aboutdialogbase.py

You can create custom makefile that will do this for you.

But note that I plan to move all SEXTANTE dialogs to .ui files because
this simlifies maintenance and makes code cleaner. So maybe it is
better to build full QGIS. Now python plugins correctly loaded from
build dir. So you can symlink SEXTANTE from output directory to your
main QGIS plugin dir.

2012/10/27 Victor Olaya <volayaf at gmail.com>:
> You do not actually have to build SEXTANTE, just a couple of GUI files
> (the about dialog and a resources file). I guess Alex can give you
> better advise in this, since he introduced that changed. Until that, I
> was doing the GUI files directly without using the pyQt tools (not the
> optimal way, I guess...), so no build was needed, but now you need it
> to get the .py files from the resource files.
> You have to use pyrcc4 and pyuic4 to compile those files. I guess you
> can do it manually if you do not want to build using CMake
> Best
> Victor

Alexander Bruy

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