[Qgis-developer] request information on how to upgrade an old project

Florent AINARDI florent.ainardi at orange.fr
Tue Jun 23 02:07:30 PDT 2015


hello all 

i have an old project based on the 1.6 qgis version 
i need to update to the last version 2.8 and a new system ubuntu 14 

i have installed all dependencies requiered by qgis , everything works fine , ( qgiss, grass, python, qt, etc ... ) 
but when i try to build my old project i have a lot of error like no such file or directy because it seems that some classes or header file have been removed or renamed 

here is the header liste of my project : 

// QGIS Includes // 

some of them doesn't appear in the class list on the web site of qgis 
for the 2.8 : http://qgis.org/api/2.8/annotated.html 
for the 1.6 : http://qgis.org/api/1.6/classes.html 

by exemple : qgssinglesymbolrenderer, qgsrenderer, qgsuniquevaluerenderer, and qgssymbologyutils give an error message no such file or directory 

i don't know how to build correctly my project because i don't know and i don't find the list of change , what files have been removed, renamed, fusionned ? 

thanks for your help 

Florent Ainardi-Wieloszynski 
florent.ainardi-wieloszynski at c-s.fr 
Tel : (+33) 4 94 08 75 75 
GSM : (+33) 6 10 51 26 23 
Fax : (+33) 4 94 08 09 38 
CS Toulon 
230, rue Marcellin Berthelot 
ZI Toulon-Est - La Garde - BP 68 
83 079 Toulon Cedex 09 - FRANCE 

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